Following post owner has realized a solution but he/she is not clear on the details. I need to ask him but couldnt PM since my posts count is only 4 yet.
" Mail is not sent by cron daemon
Solaris "
by tlogine
Hasan (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: hasan.kamali
3 Replies
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I'm not so sure that this thread should have been closed. Though it was clearly homework the student was asking a specific question related to the assignment, but not the answer to the whole assignment.
/www.unix.com/unix-dummies-questions-answers/107494-how-get-rid.html .
IMHO The solution is... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: methyl
1 Replies
3. Post Here to Contact Site Administrators and Moderators
I had a thread open and now it says it's closed. I had a question still on the forum and about 15mins after I posted my most recent question on it the thread said "closed". Why did this happen? I didn't violate any forum rules. Is there a limit on how many postings you can have in a single thread?... (1 Reply)
I have these questions for my unix class that I can't figure out because I missed a couple of days. They are for a quiz we took last week so by answering the questions you are not bettering my grade or doing my homework. I just want to understand was the answers. My teacher is really bad at... (1 Reply)