file date check script

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2001
Question file date check script

I am creating a KSH script and need to check the filedate against the system date. I can get the sys date w. date command, and I was able to get the filedate w. the awk command but when I compare them w. an if condition statement I get syntax error.
Not sure what's wrong, and other suggestions on best approach is welcome. Smilie

Here is an example:

RUNDATE=$(date + %b%e)
Filepmtdate=$(ls -l filename | awk '{print $6,$7}')
if ($Filepmtdate = $RUNDATE) ; then
do this, so that,

this will produce the date results but it gives me syntax error and aborts.

Last edited by jaxconsultant; 10-10-2001 at 02:43 PM..
# 2  
Old 10-10-2001
Post the relevent sections of the script and I'm sure you'll
get an answer to your question. Smilie
# 3  
Old 10-10-2001
Corrected Syntax Errors

Unlike the other person who posted a reply to you, there is NO need to post the "relevant" portion of your script. Nevertheless, using the script structure that you have created, I think that you will find the following commands to work:

RUNDATE=`date '+%b %e'`
Filepmtdate=`ls -l filename | awk '{print $6,$7}'`
if [ "$Filepmtdate" = "$RUNDATE" ]

The main changes that I have made, in case you did not catch them, was

1. Replace the parentheses with single, right-directed quotes.
2. Add a space between the %b and %e
3. Change the "if" statement line to the appropriate format as I have shown.
4. Remove the "do" statement after the if statement. "do" statements typically follow "for" commands.

I ran a sample script with the above format to output the line "Test completed successfully. The dates are the same" and it worked just fine. Take care.

# 4  
Old 10-10-2001
First let me say... my apologies. My browser went crazy
and only displayed the first 3 lines of the orignial post.
SO.... I did not see the "Example". Since the "relevant"
portion was in fact there...

if ($Filepmtdate = $RUNDATE) ; then was my "visual" error. Again I can only apologize
to jaxconsultant.

No need to get bent out of shape now JH. Smilie
# 5  
Old 10-10-2001

Appreciate your quick response on this matter. I'll go ahead and modify it to incorporate your suggestions.
No issue, here, there's enough problems out there...
thanks again both for your assistance.Smilie
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