Grep exact value

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# 1  
Old 03-25-2014
RedHat Grep exact value

Hello All,

I have a file all_info.txt
Date           Owner                   Filename
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale        myfile_
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.cpt
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale1        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.dat
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale1        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale2        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.docx
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.pdf
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale1        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.xls
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale2        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.xlsx
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale3        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.xpt
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140325_c.xlsx
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale4

I want to fetch the owner information for file.
but the issue is that if i grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc i get Two Value.

one for .doc and another for .docx

Could someone please help me to grep value for provided file. Fgrep will also not work here.
# 2  
Old 03-25-2014
You could try:

grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc all_info.txt | head -1


grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc all_info.txt | grep -v docx
grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc all_info.txt | grep -v "docx$"
# 3  
Old 03-25-2014
grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc$

# 4  
Old 03-25-2014
RedHat grep

Originally Posted by vbe
grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc$

This grep is running in loop for each file present in .txt File

so basically i need .doc in one run then in second i need .docx also

So i mean if i provide myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc it should grep only myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc and not myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.docx
# 5  
Old 03-25-2014
n12:/home/vbe/wks/test/grep $ grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc$ info.txt
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale1        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc

What are you talking about????
# 6  
Old 03-25-2014

Originally Posted by vbe
n12:/home/vbe/wks/test/grep $ grep myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc$ info.txt
03/25/2014  mycomp\royale1        myfile_goodfile_sec_20140324_c.doc

What are you talking about????
This is not working in HP-UX Smilie

grep -w $file_name$ $winfilename

# 7  
Old 03-25-2014
That is not what you posted in #1 !
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