awk search with begin

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# 1  
Old 03-24-2014
awk search with begin


I have written below script to begin if the line has n

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk {/ n / 'BEGIN {X["Jan"] = "01"; X["Feb"] = "02"; X["Mar"] = "03"; X["Apr"] = "04";
X["May"] = "05"; X["Jun"] = "06"; X["Jul"] = "07"; X["Aug"] = "08";
X["Sep"] ="09"; X["Oct"] = "10"; X["Nov"] = "11"; X["Dev"] = "12"; };}
NR > 1 {print $1 "\t" $5 "," X[$4] "," $6 " " $7}'} input.txt | sed "s/,, //g" | sed "s/,/./g"|sed "s/on//g" >> output.txt

but getting below error when compile

/usr/xpg4/bin/awk: syntax error Context is:
>>> / n / BEGIN <<<

Input file
e45ds n Mon Mar 24 2014 14:53 on
34def n Mon Sep 23  2013 on pts/
976vh n Mon Mar 24 2014 10:06 on

The purpose is to convert

like this format.

# 2  
Old 03-24-2014
/usr/xpg4/bin/awk '{BEGIN X["Jan"] = "01"; X["Feb"] = "02"; X["Mar"] = "03"; X["Apr"] = "04";
X["May"] = "05"; X["Jun"] = "06"; X["Jul"] = "07"; X["Aug"] = "08";
X["Sep"] ="09"; X["Oct"] = "10"; X["Nov"] = "11"; X["Dev"] = "12"; }
NR > 1 && $0 ~ /n/ {print $1 "\t" $5 "," X[$4] "," $6 " " $7}' input.txt | sed "s/,, //g" | sed "s/,/./g"|sed "s/on//g" >> output.txt

Last edited by SriniShoo; 03-24-2014 at 05:28 AM..
# 3  
Old 03-24-2014
You corrected awk statement

awk 'BEGIN{ X["Jan"] = "01"; X["Feb"] = "02"; X["Mar"] = "03"; X["Apr"] = "04";
            X["May"] = "05"; X["Jun"] = "06"; X["Jul"] = "07"; X["Aug"] = "08";
            X["Sep"] = "09"; X["Oct"] = "10"; X["Nov"] = "11"; X["Dec"] = "12";
     / n / && NR>1{ print $1 "\t" $5 "," X[$4] "," $6 " " $7} ' input.txt | ...

A modified version without sed as per your input, output and code provided.
awk 'BEGIN{ X["Jan"]=1; X["Feb"]=2;  X["Mar"] = 3;  X["Apr"] = 4;
            X["May"]=5; X["Jun"]=6;  X["Jul"] = 7;  X["Aug"] = 8;
            X["Sep"]=9; X["Oct"]=10; X["Nov"] = 11; X["Dec"] =12;
     / n / && NR>1{ printf("%s\t%d.%02d.%d %s\n", $1, $5, X[$4], $6, $7!~"[0-9]"?"":$7) } ' infile

Last edited by ahamed101; 03-24-2014 at 06:01 AM..
# 4  
Old 03-24-2014
Thanks Ahamed.

Is there any way to BEGIN if line does not has n.
# 5  
Old 03-24-2014
Sorry I didn't quite understand what you meant.
# 6  
Old 03-24-2014
Originally Posted by stew
Thanks Ahamed.

Is there any way to BEGIN if line does not has n.
This question doesn't make any sense. The statements in a BEGIN clause are processed before any input lines are read.
# 7  
Old 03-24-2014
The query I posted earlier Begin if the line has 'n'. So I want same begine should happen if the line is not equal to 'n' (doesn't has 'n')
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