Meaning of awk script

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Meaning of awk script
# 1  
Old 03-15-2014
Meaning of awk script

what does this mean?
awk '!a[$2]||a[$2]>$1 {a[$2]=$1} END {for (i in a) print a[i],i}' file

# 2  
Old 03-15-2014
I think it is supposed to list all lines where field 1 is the lowest for all lines that have an identical field 2...

But there is a bug and it should be:
awk '!($2 in a)||a[$2]>$1 {a[$2]=$1} END{for (i in a) print a[i],i}'

# 3  
Old 03-15-2014
1/ awk '!a[$2]||a[$2]>$1 {a[$2]=$1} END {for (i in a) print a[i],i}' file 2/ awk '!($2 in a)|

I try both of them but they omit some rows of input file thanks
# 4  
Old 03-15-2014
Yes they are supposed to omit certain rows, but one of them has a bug (is not working correctly)..
# 5  
Old 03-17-2014
list all lines where field 1 is the lowest for all lines that have an identical field 2

I have this file
0.450908 3 
0.491995 43 
0.492116 43 
0.493203 43 
0.493324 43 
0.494411 43 
0.494532 43 
0.495619 43 
0.49574 43 
0.509831 103 
0.535661 5 
0.535782 5 
0.536869 5 
0.53699 5 
0.538077 5 
0.538198 5 
0.538493 3 
0.538614 3 
0.539285 5 
0.539406 5 
0.539701 3 
0.539822 3 
0.540909 3 
0.54103 3 
0.542117 3 
0.542238 3 
0.543325 3 
0.543446 3 
0.544533 3 
0.544654 3 
0.545741 3 
0.545862 3 
0.546949 3 
0.54707 3 
0.548157 3

and i need the output file to be like this
0.450908 3
0.491995 43
0.535661 5 
0.509831 103

and i have those code

awk '!a[$2]||a[$2]>$1 {a[$2]=$1} END {for (i in a) print a[i],i}' file

awk '!($2 in a)||a[$2]>$1 {a[$2]=$1} END{for (i in a) print a[i],i}'

but both of them omit some rows of input file

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 03-17-2014 at 02:56 PM.. Reason: code tags
# 6  
Old 03-17-2014
Applying either of the awk scripts to your input file yields the desired output, albeit in a different sequence.
# 7  
Old 03-17-2014
I field 2 will never be zero, the bug will not come into play and there should not be a different output, between the 2 scripts.
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