Awk: Wondering how to format numbers with comma

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# 1  
Old 03-10-2014
Awk: Wondering how to format numbers with comma

I have tried the following commands and can't get a number to format with commas:

echo 1234567.12 |awk '{printf("%-12s %20s\n", $0, comma($0)) }'

This prints out value 50000 without a comma

for i in *13[0-1]*; do (cd $i && du -sk . && echo $i);done|grep -v 0000|gawk -F OFS="," ' {SUM += $1} END {  print "Total KB" "\t" SUM }'

echo 10000000 | gawk '{ printf ("%'"'"'d\n", $1) }'

for the first command, I am not sure if I can use awk -F OFS to print a comma, but there are no delimiters such as a colon in the output, so probably not. The third command I found, but it does not print a comma. Does anyone know how to print a comma with awk?
# 2  
Old 03-10-2014
Try something like:
echo 1234567.12 | LC_NUMERIC=nl_NL.UTF-8 awk '{printf("%7.2f\n", $0) }

OK, the above only works with BSD awk, unfortunately and not even that, since the decimals get reset to 00.

These would be work-arounds:
echo 1234567.12 | awk '{f=sprintf("%7.2f", $0); sub(/\./,",",f); print f }'

echo 1234567.12 | awk '{split($1,F,/\./); print F[1] "," F[2]}'

echo 1234567.12 | awk '{$1=$1}1' FS=. OFS=,

echo 1234567.12 |awk '{sub(/\./,",",$1)}1'

On Solaris use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 03-10-2014 at 07:22 PM..
# 3  
Old 03-10-2014
doesn't work as I don't have the BSD. I am on Solaris 10. Anyone else used a comma in awk format?
# 4  
Old 03-10-2014
You have to tell gawk to use the locale LC_NUMERIC setting, e.g.
echo 1234567.12 | LC_NUMERIC=nl_NL.UTF-8 gawk -N '{printf("%7.2f\n", $0) }'

This User Gave Thanks to fpmurphy For This Post:
# 5  
Old 03-10-2014
Originally Posted by fpmurphy
You have to tell gawk to use the locale LC_NUMERIC setting, e.g.
echo 1234567.12 | LC_NUMERIC=nl_NL.UTF-8 gawk -N '{printf("%7.2f\n", $0) }'

There's no gawk on Solaris (by default)...
EDIT: oh, but the OP seems to have gawk installed based on the original post - sorry...
# 6  
Old 03-10-2014

Long discussion and several solutions including some non-GNU at!to...wk/J06ZD3ZSbys -- comp.lang.awk is a good place to hang out to see lots of ideas ... cheers, drl
This User Gave Thanks to drl For This Post:
# 7  
Old 03-10-2014

Thanks all for your helpful ideas!
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