Remove newlines

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Remove newlines
# 8  
Old 02-28-2014
once take above data.. plz
# 9  
Old 02-28-2014
Your sample file looks as though it contains 0 0 after every required line.

How about trying this, pseudo-code, longhand:-
Step 1) Remove ALL newlines, using say the "tr" command and save as a different FileName.
Step 2) Now read in the new flat file called FileName into a variable.
Step 3) As the sample looks as though every line ends in the three characters above do
a loop and comparison of those 3 characters and ADD a newline to the end of each set.
Step 4) Save the file as NewFileName and finally do a check using say......
Step 5) cat < /full/path/to/NewFileName.

There are better ways but at least it gives you some logic to work on...

We are assuming at this point that there are no carriage returns, "\r", inside your sample.

Last edited by wisecracker; 02-28-2014 at 02:58 PM.. Reason: See above.
# 10  
Old 02-28-2014

Please give us the input and required output, kindly use the code tags for same.

R. Singh
# 11  
Old 02-28-2014
Hi Wisecracker,

its not possible to use [tr] command because in my file have 2 lacs rows.
how can i do.. thats why i am trying to write shell script. in that case only i remove new lines .. if you see my data is there 10 number is there new line.

# 12  
Old 02-28-2014
Works in a more general way, by counting the number of double quote characters.
while IFS="" read -r LINE
        if [ "$((${#Q} % 2))" -eq 1 ] # If the number of quotes is odd
                read LINE2
                LINE="$LINE $LINE2"

        echo "$LINE"
done < inputfile > outputfile

# 13  
Old 02-28-2014
Thanks Corona,

when i run this code it display one error i.e
[`done  abc1.csv  outputfile.csv']

plz tel me.. i am a beginner to this.

---------- Post updated at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:14 PM ----------

Hi singh,
[my input is
10,"Special Projects,bangaram",0,,0
10,"Statutory/ Internal Audit , MO reporting (incl Excel Spreadsheet uploadation)",	bangaram,0,,0
10,"Complience with SVCCL",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,	"Release of incentives / commission to all channel partners.
",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"Timely processing of sales orders to channel partners",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"	Balance sheet Reviwe", bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"	Ensuring Critical Reconciliation on monthly basis. (IN-GL)",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,	"Timely & accurate closure of Accounts.
",	bangaram,	0,,	0
11,"	Opex Spend on communication activites",	bangaram,	0,,	0
11,"	Opex Spend on communication activites",	bangaram	,0,,	0

Output is

10,"Special Projects,bangaram",0,,0
10,"Statutory/ Internal Audit , MO reporting (incl Excel Spreadsheet uploadation)",	bangaram,0,,0
10,"Complience with SVCCL",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,	"Release of incentives / commission to all channel partners.",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"Timely processing of sales orders to channel partners",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"	Balance sheet Reviwe", bangaram,	0,,	0
10,"	Ensuring Critical Reconciliation on monthly basis. (IN-GL)",	bangaram,	0,,	0
10,	"Timely & accurate closure of Accounts.",	bangaram,	0,,	0
11,"	Opex Spend on communication activites",	bangaram,	0,,	0
11,"	Opex Spend on communication activites",	bangaram	,0,,	0]

like this singh..
let me any thing else.


Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use code tags for code and data

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-28-2014 at 03:59 PM.. Reason: code tags
# 14  
Old 02-28-2014
The code is supposed to be done < inputfile > outputfile. The < and > are redirection characters, essential, not brackets around a label.
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