Loading text file into table

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# 1  
Old 02-21-2014
Loading text file into table


I have text file with comma seprater shown below


I am using below code to load the text file into table

while IFS=, read -r filename
INSERT INTO <tablename>

But this code is not compling
# 2  
Old 02-21-2014
Which database?
# 3  
Old 02-21-2014
Ingres Databse
# 4  
Old 02-21-2014
Originally Posted by stew

I have text file with comma seprater shown below


I am using below code to load the text file into table

while IFS=, read -r filename
INSERT INTO <tablename>

But this code is not compling
There are a number of reasons why this will not work:

First, "INSERT INTO <tablename>" is not a valid statement, because there is nothing specified to insert into the table at all. If you haven't truncated your code before putting it here you have to correct that.

Second, i am not sure what your loop is supposed to do, but it definitely does soething else.

while IFS=, read -r filename

This loop has no input, because the read-command works differently from what you seem to suspect. If you want to read the file specified by variable "filename", do it like this:

while IFS=, read <variablename>
done < "$filename"

Each line in "$filename" will then be assigned to "<variablename>" every turn. You can try this demo code to see how it works:

while IFS=, read currentline ; do
     print - "line read: $currentline"
done < "$filename"

Next is: you specifiy "IFS", seemingly to split the input line into (comma-separated) pieces. But because you specify only one variable to "read" the whole line gets put into that variable anyway. The way you use it the IFS-specification is superfluous.

When you want to split the input line upon reading it you have to specify more than one variable to be assigned with the "read"-command. The first "field" (everything before the first IFS character) will be assigned the first variable, the second field (everything between the first and second IFS character) will be assigned the second variable and so on. If you specify less variables than there are fields all the remaining fields are getting crammed into the last variable specified. In your case that was everything.

Try the following demo code to see how it works:

cat - > /tmp/input.for.demo <<EOF

while IFS=, read -r linenr field1 field2 field3 field4 ; do
     print - "new line read --------------------"
     print - "   linenr is: $linenr"
     print - "   field1 is: $field1"
     print - "   field2 is: $field2"
     print - "   field3 is: $field3"
     print - "   field4 is: $field4"
done < "$filename"
exit 0

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 5  
Old 02-21-2014
But I am using awk to insert into table

#while IFS=, |read -r "$filename"
#echo "$filename"
awk '/,n,/{print "insert into lastlogon values("$1","$3","$4","$5","$6")"}' user

I wan to insert below text file into table


I grep ",n," in awk and then insert into lastlogon table only field 1,3,4,5,6


But the script is inserting like below

insert into lastlogon values(34edf,n,Thu,Oct,11,,2007,on,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(45fbt,n,Tue,Feb,4,2014,13:2,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(j12fet,n,Sun,Jun,24,,2012,on,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(34dwr,n,Mon,Feb,17,2014,15:,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(98jgg,n,Thu,Feb,20,2014,15:,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(78jgf,n,Thu,Feb,20,2014,13:,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(45fgh,n,Mon,Sep,23,2013,17:,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(65jjg,n,Tue,Feb,18,2014,12:,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(90fdd,n,Mon,Jul,30,,2007,on,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(67vfd,n,Fri,Aug,25,,2006,on,,,,)
insert into lastlogon values(45fgj,n,Fri,Feb,14,2014,11:,,,,)

the files 2,7 and all inserting I want to insert only column 1,3,4,5,6

Last edited by stew; 02-21-2014 at 08:07 AM..
# 6  
Old 02-21-2014
What is the field separator in the file you're giving awk to process?
What field separator have you told awk to use while processing its input?

Why do the last two entries in your data:

have the year in field 7 instead of field 6?
# 7  
Old 02-21-2014
As you didn't specify the separator "," for awk, the entire line will be $1, and this and the (empty) residual fields are concatenated together with the literal "," in between to be then printed out..
As Don Cragun pointed out, you should make very sure your input file adheres to one single defined structure (which your sample does not). You also could try to make your sample data consistent between posts.
And, you need to decide to use either a shell loop or an awk loop.
You also should consider to add a command running some sql code to connect to the DB unless you want to run your result script manually from within sql.
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