As with ls -l, login time in finger output is month, day, and time if the login time is within six months of the current time; otherwise it is month, day, and year. So, if the year or time field contains a colon, you can figure out if the month and day shown are in the current year or the previous year an add it as needed. But, if the login time was more than 6 months ago, there is no way to get the login time unless your version of finger provides an option that allows you to override the default login time output format.
I want to write report for last logon user detials.
If I use finger userid |grep On Since
I would get month date time and year but login time was more than 6 months ago will not display.
Moderator's Comments:
Please use CODE tags to mark sample input, sample output, and sample code. I have added CODE and ICODE tags to this post, but I am not at all sure that I put the CODE tags in the right spots. (I don't know if there should be one sample output or three sample outputs.
Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-17-2014 at 02:37 AM..
Reason: Add CODE tags.
If you use finger userid |grep On Since you're likely to get a diagnostic message like:
And since your output shows that the output from the lines you're trying to match doesn't have Since capitalized, even if you had quoted it correctly you still wouldn't get any output. Perhaps you meant:
which could give you several lines of output for the specified user.
If someone's last login time was more than six months ago, why does it matter what time of day it was for a report like this?
For someone still logged in, unless you are keeping systems up for more than a year and a half without rebooting, the year should be obvious as long as the date the report was generated is included in the report.
To get year thought of using
command but it is taking from /wtmp directory. Also this folder get created every month on 1st date. So If I run last command it shows from Feb 1st 2014.
But I want all active user last logon detials with year
Example - If user logged on Dec 12 2013. If I run report today I wanna get O/P like
I need to disable finger & telnet command in solaris 8
I have put the # infront of finger and telnet line in /etc/inetd.conf file. Further I have run the below command
kill -1 <process id of inetd >
But when I am running finger command it is till giving information for remote machine... (8 Replies)
$ finger yeti
Login: yeti Name: yeti
Directory: /arpa/tz/y/yeti Shell: /bin/ksh
On since Wed Apr 2 15:24 (UTC) on pts/149
Mail last read Mon Mar 31 11:08 2014 (UTC)
No Plan.
Hi there,
I am trying to... (2 Replies)
how to extract user machine name for current terminal using finger command
below command gives machinename for all session , is it possible to filter it to only currernt terminal ?
finger -b -p $LOGNAME | grep from (12 Replies)
Does anyone know if there is anyway of doing the finger command for all user id's in my enviroment. What I need to obtain is the full names of all users on the system.
I know if i do the finger command with no arguments it will list users currently logged in, but i need all users...
... (2 Replies)
I want to know the correct version of how i should use the finger command in this example below.(os is debian lenny)
( is located in /home/nymserv directory.)
the two versions are :
finger stream tcp nowait nymuser /usr/nym/nymserv nymserv... (3 Replies)
Hello all,
my unix is bash based and the finger command output is:
Login Name Tty Idle LoginTime Office
amos.john Amos John pts/26 1 Dec 5 16:18 (
What am trying to achieve is extract the Login (amos.john) and Name (Amos John) from this output without using awk or sed.
... (1 Reply)
iam using sunsolaris.
when you type finger command -- it dispalys information about local and remote users.
but here it shows as can't stat /dev/gold:8664
can anybody help what is the solution for this error.
previously the output came.
shan (1 Reply)
Hello all,
Here is what I am trying to do. If a user exist, then send an echo "EXIST" or else "DOES NOT EXIST". (under HP-UX)
Kind of:
finger $USER
if $? = 0
echo "EXIST""
fi (10 Replies)
I'm trying to clean up my server and I have the list of some "special" users stored on the text file like this
Now I want to write a shell script to finger all of them so I can have some kind of ideas who they are but here comes the problem....I completely forgot how to do it with shell... (3 Replies)
This is my senario.....
The user enters a userid into linux.
((I have have already scripted the command to read this userid.))
I need help in writing the script so It reads the userID and in conjuction w/ the finger command displays to the user "no plan" on the screen (so the user reads/sees... (4 Replies)