How to download file protected by image captcha from command line?

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# 1  
Old 02-15-2014
How to download file protected by image captcha from command line?


any way to download file from image captcha download protected website? The download link is not static but session based, generated.

I can do also via web browser, but i trust rather command line, maybe im wrong
# 2  
Old 02-15-2014
Originally Posted by postcd
I can do also via web browser, but i trust rather command line, maybe im wrong
Download is download and if you issue a download via commandline or via browser the difference is nil. If you go to China by ship or by aeroplane, once you are there, you are there - period.

Note that most Captchas are there for a good reason (namely to drive away bots) and you should probably avoid sites with captchas which are there for no good reason anyway.

I hope this helps.

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