Sorting one column underneath another

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# 1  
Old 02-13-2014
Sorting one column underneath another

I am trying to arrange these columns so that they look like this:

Xray2_1255555  Number of Copies: 1
Boxcar_1387305895  Number of Copies: 2
Fox_1387305896  Number of Copies: 2

But I have one column after another like this:
Number of Copies:  1
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2
Number of Copies:  2

I've tried
cat /tmp/file |xargs

cat /tmp/file|awk '{(printf%s, $0)}'

I've also tried the paste command without luck. What is the best way to do this? If I use paste or awk the columns are horizontal but get skewed across the screen. I want the "Number of Copies to form a second column after the name "Xray2_1244444 etc."

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-14-2014 at 05:50 PM.. Reason: Add more CODE tags.
# 2  
Old 02-13-2014
xargs -n5 < file

These 3 Users Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 3  
Old 02-13-2014
Amazing! Thanks!
# 4  
Old 02-13-2014
Originally Posted by newbie2010
If I use paste or awk the columns are horizontal but get skewed across the screen. I want the "Number of Copies to form a second column after the name "Xray2_1244444 etc."
My suspicion is that after "Xray2_1244444" there are a lot of spaces. You don't see them, but "awk" et al. wil recognize them.

Here is a sed one-liner to correct that:

sed 'N;s/[<b><t>]*\n/<b>/' /path/to/input.file

Replace "<b>" and "<t>" with a literal blank/tab character. It reads a line (implicitly), adds a second line to the buffer ("N"), substitutes any number of trailing blanks/tabs in the first line plus the following newline by a single blank and outputs the result.

I hope this helps.

# 5  
Old 02-14-2014
You may try :
$ awk '{ORS = NR%2 == 0 ? RS : FS}1;END{printf RS}' file

# 6  
Old 02-14-2014
Independent of the number of fields. Separated by a TAB character
paste - - < file

paste -sd '\t\n' file

Single space:
paste -d " " - - < file

paste -sd ' \n' file

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-17-2014 at 06:47 AM..
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