[Solved] Need help understanding ksh scripting.

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# 1  
Old 02-12-2014
[Solved] Need help understanding ksh scripting.

Can any one please tell me where the error in below script. Output is not as per my requirement. if condition not comparing the result of record count of a file with 1. where is the pbm in my script? Appreciate your help..

#Summary- To move the file to direcotries if condition satisified or failed
set -x
cd $Dir1
i=`gawk '{print $NR}' test_3.sh | wc -l`
if ($i > 1);
cp $Dir1/$filename $Dir3/$filename`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.csv
cp $Dir1/$filename $Dir2/$filename_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.csv

+ sh test_print.sh
+ Dir1=/home/s117013
+ Dir2=/home/s117013/data
+ Dir3=/home/s117013/tmp
+ cd /home/s117013
+ filename=test_3.sh
++ gawk '{print $NR}' test_3.sh
++ wc -l
+ i=21
+ 21
test_print.sh: line 12: 21: command not found
++ date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
+ cp /home/s117013/test_3.sh /home/s117013/data/20140212130431.csv

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Moved from Bits forum to UNIX for Dummies Questions and Answers Forum.

CODE tags added.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-12-2014 at 05:00 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags; move to appropriate forum.
# 2  
Old 02-12-2014
Is this a homework assignment?

If so, it needs to be posted in the Homework & Coursework Questions forum and the complete template for items posted in that forum must be filled out.
# 3  
Old 02-12-2014
Welcome shivadanam,

I would suggest that if ($i > 1); is invalid syntax for a ksh script. You seem to have a more C like syntax. Try:-
if [ $i -gt 1 ]
   cp ..........

I hope that this helps,
# 4  
Old 02-12-2014
Another ksh alternative would be
if (($i > 1)) or even if ((i > 1)). That trailing semi-colon is harmless but useless. I actually like to do:
if ((i > 1)) ; then

which shortens a script while being easy to read.
This User Gave Thanks to Perderabo For This Post:
# 5  
Old 02-12-2014
Thanks for this. I learn more each day. I've never some across these formats of conditions, but I will not panic now if I do.

# 6  
Old 02-12-2014
Originally Posted by rbatte1
I've never some across these formats of conditions, but I will not panic now if I do.
Korn shell allows integer operations inside double brackets. You can use these instead of the rather old-fashioned "let":

typeset -i x=0
(( x += 1 ))     # same as "let x=x+1"
print - $x

The same goes for integer comparisons, which is what Perderabo used. Note, that you need at least one space for the double brackets:

(( x += 1 ))     # correct
((x += 1))       # wrong

and you do NOT need to use "$" to denote variables.

I hope this helps.

# 7  
Old 02-12-2014
No spaces needed with double parentheses.
$ x=3
$ ((x+=1))
$ echo $x

Leaving off the $ is much faster and, provided that the variable only contains a simple scalar will give the same result.
This User Gave Thanks to Perderabo For This Post:
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