Replacing part of filename

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Replacing part of filename
# 8  
Old 01-29-2014
Originally Posted by TimmyTiz
Thank you very much Don. But there is still one little detail.
If I use your code it is also replacing the second number but I just want to get rid of the first one. Probably because I have more than 2 underscores like:

So, if that is your filename, what is the new name supposed to be:



From you statements so far, I'm not sure if trying to get rid of the first string between underscore characters, the first string of digits between underscore characters, or the first contiguous string of one or more digits without caring about underscore characters???
# 9  
Old 01-29-2014
Yes, sorry. I want


to be


so the numbers between the second and the third underscore should vanish
so I want to replace "_1000_" by just "_".
# 10  
Old 01-29-2014
Originally Posted by TimmyTiz
Yes, sorry. I want


to be


so the numbers between the second and the third underscore should vanish
so I want to replace "_1000_" by just "_".
You have made the requirements ambiguous again!
Do you want to:
  1. replace a string of digits surrounded by underscores with a single underscore only if the string of digits follows the 2nd underscore in the file's name,
  2. replace the first occurrence of a string of digits surrounded by underscores in the file's name with a single underscore,
  3. delete any digits between the 2nd and 3rd underscores (even if there are other characters between the 2nd and 3rd underscores) in the file's name, and delete one of the underscores if there weren't any other characters between the underscores,
  4. replace every string of digits surrounded by underscores in a file's name with a single underscore, or
  5. something else?
# 11  
Old 01-29-2014
# 12  
Old 01-29-2014
the heavy way ...
for i in *_ct*.list
n=$(echo $i | sed 's/_1000_/_/')
mv "$i" "$n"

To macth other numeric pattern than 1000 :
 n=$(echo $i | sed 's/_[0-9]*_/_/')

# 13  
Old 01-29-2014
Yes, that worked perfectly.

Thank you guys Smilie
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