Loop for file merging in a folder

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# 8  
Old 01-26-2014
Yes the script was bogus, a cig helped me think clearer (at least i tell me so)...

Now this one is tested and the output looks much better...
#	Vars
	FZ=(*) # all files/dirs of current location
	ZC=0 # Z Counter
#	Action
	[[ -d output ]] || mkdir output

	for Z in ${FZ[@]}

		for I in 1 2 3
			NUM=$[ $ZC + $I ]
			THESE+=" ${FZ[$NUM]}"
			str=$(echo $THESE|sed s,' ','-',g)
			cat $THESE|sort -u > output/${str}.txt

		let ZC++

Note that i ran the script inside the very same folder the other files existed.

So it'll expect:
- test-script
- january
- february
- ...
+ output-dir

Hope this helps better

Example how i tested it: (where tmp is the script)
[sea@localhost ~]$ ls
mm  net  notepad  output  priv  prjs  rpmbuild  tmp
[sea@localhost ~]$ ls output/
[sea@localhost ~]$ sh tmp
[sea@localhost ~]$ ls output/
mm-net-notepad-output.txt      output-priv-prjs.txt
mm-net-notepad.txt             output-priv.txt
mm-net.txt                     priv-prjs-rpmbuild-tmp.txt
net-notepad-output-priv.txt    priv-prjs-rpmbuild.txt
net-notepad-output.txt         priv-prjs.txt
net-notepad.txt                prjs-rpmbuild-tmp.txt
notepad-output-priv-prjs.txt   prjs-rpmbuild.txt
notepad-output-priv.txt        rpmbuild-tmp.txt
notepad-output.txt             tmp.txt
[sea@localhost ~]$

Last edited by sea; 01-26-2014 at 01:17 PM..
# 9  
Old 01-26-2014
I know exactly what u mean :P
I have try to put in a different folder as I create my files as I go but it does not like that
but there is still things missing e.g. from the files your created there is no
and there are combinations with the code file
and thanks a lot for trying to help

I have changed the place of the loop and for now I get months and combinations of u right but still the same problem with script and the rest of combinations
	for I in 1 2 3 4 
		for Z in ${FZ[@]}
			NUM=$[ $ZC + $I ]
			THESE+=" ${FZ[$NUM]}"
			str=$(echo $THESE|sed s,' ','-',g)
			cat $THESE|sort -u > output/${str}.txt
		let ZC++

Last edited by A-V; 01-26-2014 at 01:35 PM..
# 10  
Old 01-26-2014
Just a couple of observations that might help you progress in this thread, that seems to be wandering about a bit...

could you please post the exact directory and file structure that you are using (and if there are other files/directories present) and also specify from which directory you plan to call the script. Also please state which shell you plan on using on what OS and in what order you would like the files to be merged or concatenated.

  • #!/bin/sh does not know arrays, use #!/bin/bash instead
  • use double quotes around the enumeration of array elements "${array[@]}"
  • use double quotes when using echo echo "$text" (unless you want field splitting to occur)
  • echo $FZ will only produce result/*/* if there are no files that match this pattern.
  • [[ ... ]] is not proper syntax for #!/bin/sh, use [ ... ] instead or use #!/bin/bash instead, but then use == instead of =
  • $[ ... ] is deprecated in bash, use $(( ... )) instead
  • Don't use the external program let. Instead of let var++, use var=$((var+1)) or (in the case of bash) use (( var++ ))

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-26-2014 at 02:41 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
# 11  
Old 01-26-2014
@ Scrutinizer
At times i bark back Smilie (meaning i want to be right)
Unix - Using Shell Arrays this tutorial says sh does support arrays.
sh-4.2$ uname -sr
Linux 3.11.9-200.fc19.x86_64
sh-4.2$ [[ -d bin ]] && echo "doubles work"
doubles work
sh-4.2$ [ -d bin ] && echo "single work"
single work

* I didnt use result/*/* at all
* Quotes, yes you're absolutly right, i was too lazy Smilie
* ((var++)) is my preference, at times i use let - and now figured its a bash-builtin.. thank you Smilie
# 12  
Old 01-26-2014
Dear Scrutinizer, Thank you so much for information...
my folder at this stage looks like
Combine (main folder) == test.sh (the code) + result (the folder with N [4 for now] in it)
each file[e.g. april, may, june, july] has data separeated by "|" in 5 rows (costumer details)
and there might be duplications in both.
the code I have now with changes looks like
	ZC=0 # Z Counter
#	Action
	[[ -d output ]] || mkdir output

	for Z in "${FZ[@]}"
		for I in 1 2 3
			NUM=$[ $ZC + $I ]
			THESE+=" ${FZ[$NUM]}"
			str=$(echo "$THESE"|sed s,' ','-',g)
			cat $THESE|sort -u > output/${str}.txt
		let ZC++ 

but it keeps giving me errors one way or another === as well as create wrong files as the code should be place in the same directory for this two work

I am now using a Linux Terminal
# 13  
Old 01-26-2014
Originally Posted by sea
@ Scrutinizer
At times i bark back Smilie (meaning i want to be right)
Unix - Using Shell Arrays this tutorial says sh does support arrays.
Then that tutorial is wrong! /bin/sh on every POSIX-compliant modern system means a POSIX shell (or near POSIX), which is defined here: , except on Solaris <= 10 where it means the classic Bourne shell which also does not know arrays. On older legacy systems it also means Bourne Shell..
sh-4.2$ uname -sr
Linux 3.11.9-200.fc19.x86_64
sh-4.2$ [[ -d bin ]] && echo "doubles work"
doubles work
sh-4.2$ [ -d bin ] && echo "single work"
single work

That is no proof. That just means that the shell you are using happens to understand more than the POSIX syntax. Try executing that with /bin/sh on Ubuntu or Debian and the former will fail...
* I didnt use result/*/* at all
Yes you did in post #2
* Quotes, yes you're absolutly right, i was too lazy Smilie
* ((var++)) is my preference, at times i use let - and now figured its a bash-builtin.. thank you Smilie
You are right, let is a bash-builtin (and a ksh93 builtin)...

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-26-2014 at 04:14 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
# 14  
Old 01-26-2014
Originally Posted by A-V
Dear Scrutinizer, Thank you so much for information...
my folder at this stage looks like
Combine (main folder) == test.sh (the code) + result (the folder with N [4 for now] in it)
each file[e.g. april, may, june, july] has data separeated by "|" in 5 rows (costumer details)
and there might be duplications in both.
the code I have now with changes looks like

I am now using a Linux Terminal
You're welcome, please be more specific and give examples and/or directory (tree) listings instead of an anecdotal description, also post the content of the files if that is relevant for you problem..

A Linux Terminal, so are you working on a Linux host? What is the shell you are using in your script? Can you show the shebang, or how do you execute the script?

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-26-2014 at 04:00 PM..
This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
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