Not returning from a sub script?

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# 1  
Old 01-23-2014
Not returning from a sub script?

My problem in brief is that I execute a script from another script and I can not pick up the return code from that script, or otherwise I am not returning from that script. I have an echo in the executed script and we get a response code of 0 and exit that script with the return code. I then try to assign the return code to a variable SCHEDULER_EXIT in the executing script and echo that to a file. I never get to the echo, so the script ends on the assign of the return code to the variable SCHEDULER_EXIT, or it never gets there.

exec /udd026/SAS_Progs/ $SCHEDULER_ARGS >> /udd001/app/TWS/logs/TWS_MRun.log 
 echo IVEREX62 $STAB `date`  has ended scheduler exit ${SCHEDULER_EXIT} >> /udd001/app/TWS/logs/TWS_MRun.log

any ideas?
# 2  
Old 01-23-2014
Hi, you are using exec, so the shell executing /udd026/SAS_Progs/ will replace the parent script's shell, without creating a new process. So this code:
 echo IVEREX62 $STAB `date`  has ended scheduler exit ${SCHEDULER_EXIT} >> /udd001/app/TWS/logs/TWS_MRun.log

will never get executed. Try leaving out exec

BTW: there should not be any spaces around the assignment operator (=):

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 01-24-2014 at 03:05 PM..
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