Add numbers in third code with conditions on the 1st and 2nd
Hello all,
I have a file with three columns, in which the first column has one letter from A-Z, the second one letter from A-Z, and the third a number:
The desired output is:
Just because A B and B A are essentially the same.
Is there a way to do this in awk or bash?
Thank you
Last edited by vbe; 01-13-2014 at 09:48 AM..
Reason: code tags...
I have the code for the below things..
File1 has the content as below
8859 0 subscriberCreate
18 0 subscriberPaymentMethodChange
1650 0 subscriberProfileUpdate
7668 0 subscriberStatusChange
13 4020100 subscriberProfileUpdate
1 4020129 subscriberStatusChange
2 4020307 subscriberCreate
8831... (5 Replies)