I have installed DOCK 6.6 on Cygwin ( I'm not sure if it is installed completely, I did as the DOCK 6.6 manual said ) and I am trying to do one of its wiki tutorials.
in one of the steps, when I want to use "sphgen" for generating spheres, it says:
bash: sphgen: command not found
I think sphgen is one of DOCK's functions but it doesn't recognize it.
I was wondering if anyone can help me with it ? I'm really new to the whole cygwin and programming stuff.
Possible path issue. This link shows a similar issue
Also, one thing i would suggest is to look for VM's (virtual machines like VMware or virtual box) that might be available that have DOCK installed . Cygwin is slow and using a VM saves you time in trying to install your enviroment. VM's allow you to get right to work and are usually free with linux as the O/S.
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cygstart cygwin tail -f /foo/test.log | perl -pe 's/error/\e
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mintty -e ...
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