Append Spaces to a string

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Append Spaces to a string
# 1  
Old 12-24-2013
Linux Append Spaces to a string


I am new to Unix. I need help in writing a code and the requirements are of as below:

1) The code is in awk code
2) Append multiple spaces to a string
Example: Address = "House_NO:1100"
I have to make sure the length of Address should be always 100, if it is less than 100, i have to add remaining with spaces, so that length(Address) =100 always

Address = Address + (Spaces)

Thanks in Advance,
Venu Gopal K
# 2  
Old 12-24-2013
Is this a homework assignment?
# 3  
Old 12-24-2013

Please respect if someone in the forum is asking OP a question. Please do refrain from posting answers before the OP get back to us with an answer to the question raised.

I am requesting so just to make sure that the special homework rules are followed.

Thank you
# 4  
Old 12-24-2013
Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Akshay Hegde's post has been hidden until we determine whether or not this thread is a misposted homework item.

Venu Gopal: If this is a homework item, let us know quickly so we can close this thread and you can resubmit the question in the proper forum with the filled out homework template. If this is not a homework item, please explain to us what you are working on that requires padding a field to 100 characters.

Akshay Hegde: Our continued support by class instructors depends on us recognizing homework items and on us to help students learn how to do their own homework. The UNIX and Linux Forums can't be thought of as a way for students to get someone else (us) to do their homework for them.
# 5  
Old 12-25-2013
I am Sorry Yoda and Don Cragun, I started answering this thread as soon as I found in Quick Links today's post, and there were no reply to this post, so I answered, and there after I went for Christmas Celebrations. But unfortunately your reply appeared first before my reply, if I would have seen your reply first in this thread regarding whether its homework question or not, I would not been answered to this thread. My apologies please.


Akshay Hegde
# 6  
Old 12-25-2013
Thanks for you replies and advice. This is not a homework assignment. This is a part of my code development. Currently i am using as below. Please let me know whether this is right way or is there any other simple way to pad the spaces.

while (a++<(40-length(Address))) s=s " ";


---------- Post updated at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:53 AM ----------

I will raise my question under proper category by following post rules. Please close this thread.


Last edited by Don Cragun; 12-25-2013 at 04:00 PM.. Reason: Add CODE tags
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