Grep several lines in one file from another file

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# 1  
Old 12-15-2013
Grep several lines in one file from another file

Dear All

I have a txt file of 100 lines(file1) and another txt file of 100000 lines (file2)
How can I possible grep all 100 lines in one step in file1 from file2 ?

Thanks a lot
# 2  
Old 12-15-2013
Originally Posted by Alyaa
Dear All

I have a txt file of 100 lines(file1) and another txt file of 100000 lines (file2)
How can I possible grep all 100 lines in one step in file1 from file2 ?

Thanks a lot
Try something like this

$ grep -xfF file2 file1

$ awk 'FNR==NR{A[$0];next}$0 in A' file1 file2

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