Script to count number of rows

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# 8  
Old 02-19-2014
Then try:
awk '$1~/M$/{print $1}' file* | sort -u | wc -l

# 9  
Old 02-20-2014
Script to display the lines which contain M as the last letter in the column of a two column line

Hi Scrutinizer,

thanks for your script.

I just changed it a little bit to get my required output which is as below:

1) Script to display the lines which contain M as the last letter in the column of a two column line:

awk '$1~/M$/{print $1"\t"$2}' filename | sort -u

2) Script to display files and their space occupied in terms of MB in a descending order

du -h *|awk '$1~/M$/{print $1"\t"$2}'|sort -nr

Once again thanks for the reply....

have a nice time Smilie

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-20-2014 at 02:39 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 10  
Old 02-20-2014
Originally Posted by ssk250
Hi Scrutinizer,

thanks for your script.

I just changed it a little bit to get my required output which is as below:

1) Script to display the lines which contain M as the last letter in the column of a two column line:

awk '$1~/M$/{print $1"\t"$2}' filename | sort -u

2) Script to display files and their space occupied in terms of MB in a descending order

du -h *|awk '$1~/M$/{print $1"\t"$2}'|sort -nr

Once again thanks for the reply....

have a nice time Smilie
Note that if the files in your list ever grow in to the gigabyte or terabyte ranges, the code above won't list them.

If files larger than 999M might be in your future, you might be better off with real numbers rather than the more human friendly output produced by the du utility's -h option?:
du *|awk '$1 >= 1048576 {print $1"\t"$2}'|sort -nr

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