Extract date ranged data from log file

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# 1  
Old 12-11-2013
Extract date ranged data from log file


I am trying to extract lines of data within a log file on a Redhat 5 Linux system.

eg I need all the lines with a particular username over the last 3 minutes.

the log file may read like this, and I want a way to search all the lines extracting all the relevant lines over the last 3 minutes:

"Wed Dec 11 16:51:00 GMT 2013 username permissions"

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 12-11-2013
Here is an example using date command to get last 3 minute timestamps and using an awk program to fetch those lines:

for c in {1..3}
        t=$( date -d"-${c} min" )
        [ -z "$DT" ] && DT="${t%:*}" || DT="${DT},${t%:*}"

awk -v D="$DT" -v U="username" '
        BEGIN {
                n = split ( D, A, "," )
                for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
                        if ( ( $0 ~ A[i] ) && ( $0 ~ U ) )
                                print $0
' file.log

This User Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 3  
Old 12-11-2013
Thank you Yoda, could you please explain this as it looks abit tricky.

Also I have been told that the actual number of minutes to search will vary, so if it is possible to set a variable and value to this.

Thanks in advance.
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