Listing contents of .tar.gz files

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# 8  
Old 12-03-2013

See page Use that to read the tar directory which contains information about the files in the archive, e.g. name, mode, size, etc. Possibly the same for gzip at

Best wishes ... cheers, drl
# 9  
Old 12-03-2013
Of course, to read the tar directory, you will need to --


--extract the file.

It's not all in the header, and can't all be in the header, because tar is a streaming format. To extract complete information you must read the file beginning to end.
# 10  
Old 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by Corona688
Of course, to read the tar directory, you will need to --


--extract the file.

It's not all in the header, and can't all be in the header, because tar is a streaming format. To extract complete information you must read the file beginning to end.
That's a fair criticism. However, one does not need to extract the data in the sense of writing it, but rather in the sense of skipping it. Option "t" for tar provides much of that information without extraction.

What would be useful would be adjunct information, such as found in normal ar collections (added by ranlib). As noted in one could use an indexing utility, say, (at a quick search) something like to speed access if that the ulitmate desire. One would pay the price (once) for that operation, however.

In the absence of our knowledge of that desire, I essentially agree with Corona688 ... cheers, drl
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