Help me in the Execution of Date comparsion

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# 1  
Old 11-25-2013
Help me in the Execution of Date comparsion

Hi ,

Please look into the query

1)Date format: mm/dd/yyyy  example (10/22/2013)
2) compare this date  with the System date 
3) if the difference of dates less than 30 days. Then return true otherwise false.
4)commands date-d is not there in my unix version.
5)present version 6
6)using AIX

Could u provide a sample script of comparing dates and if it less than 30 return true or false.
# 2  
Old 11-25-2013
If you have gawk use can use mktime function for this
# 3  
Old 11-25-2013
You may take a look at this too: datecalc
# 4  
Old 11-25-2013
datecalc is not installed so can u suggest me any alternative
# 5  
Old 11-25-2013
if you have gawk you may try this

$ echo "10/22/2013 10/30/2013" | \
awk '
    function dates(date){
                          return int(mktime(A[3]" "A[1]" "A[2]" " 00 " " 00 " " 00) / 86400)
                              print $0,dates($2)-dates($1), "Days"

10/22/2013 10/30/2013 8 Days

To compare Date with System date
$ echo "10/22/2013" | \
awk '

function Cmd(cmde,result){
                              while ((cmde | getline line) > 0)
                                      result = result (result=="" ? "" : "\n")line
                              return result

    function dates(date){
                              return int(mktime(A[3]" "A[1]" "A[2]" " 00 " " 00 " " 00) / 86400)
                              diff = dates(Cmd("date +%m/%d/%Y"))-dates($1)
                              msg  = diff < 30 ? "true" : "False"
                              print $0,Cmd("date +%m/%d/%Y"),diff,"Days",msg 

when date is $ echo "10/22/2013" | \
10/22/2013 11/25/2013 34 Days False

when date is $ echo "11/22/2013" | \
11/22/2013 11/25/2013 3 Days true

Last edited by Akshay Hegde; 11-25-2013 at 11:03 AM.. Reason: To fix formatting and codetag
# 6  
Old 11-25-2013

Here is a demo of a perl script that accepts a date on the command line. It returns a shell exit status code according to whether the difference in days compared to today's date is less than the default of 30. If a second parameter is given on the command line, that value will be used instead of 30:
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# @(#) s1	Demonstrate days between dates with perl Date::Calc module.

# Utility functions: print-as-echo, print-line-with-visual-space, debug.
# export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
pe() { for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done; printf "\n"; }
pl() { pe;pe "-----" ;pe "$*"; }
db() { ( printf " db, ";for _i;do printf "%s" "$_i";done;printf "\n" ) >&2 ; }
db() { : ; }
C=$HOME/bin/context && [ -f $C ] && $C perl divepm
pe " Modules used by perl code p1:"
divepm -q -i p1

# Set test date and length:

pl " Results for date $TD:"
./p1 $TD && pe " Less than $length" || pe " Greater than $length"

pl " Results for date $TD:"
./p1 $TD && pe " Less than $length" || pe " Greater than $length"

# Set a new length.
pl " Results for date $TD, length $length:"
./p1 $TD $length && pe " Less than $length" || pe " Greater than $length"

exit 0

$ ./s1

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility "version")
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 2.6.26-2-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian 5.0.8 (lenny, workstation) 
bash GNU bash 3.2.39
perl 5.10.0
divepm (local) 1.4

 Modules used by perl code p1:
 1.04	strict
 1.06	warnings
 5.4	Date::Calc

 Results for date 10/22/2013:
 today is 2013, 11, 25, length = 30
 input date for comparison = 2013, 10, 22
 Difference = 34
 Greater than 30

 Results for date 11/15/2013:
 today is 2013, 11, 25, length = 30
 input date for comparison = 2013, 11, 15
 Difference = 10
 Less than 30

 Results for date 11/15/2013, length 5:
 today is 2013, 11, 25, length = 5
 input date for comparison = 2013, 11, 15
 Difference = 10
 Greater than 5

The debugging output can be suppressed as noted in the perl script. Download the file p1.txt, rename it as p1, make it executable, then use it as in the demo script.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl
# 7  
Old 11-29-2013
HI Akshay,

I have tried the code smaple provided by you. I am getting error mktime function not defined, but in my unix box mktime is there. I guess to use mk time i should write any code like usr/bin/ or to use that we havr to write some code i guess.
or If you any alternative is there let me know

---------- Post updated at 04:06 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:41 AM ----------

Executed this code

$ echo "10/22/2013 10/30/2013" | \
awk '
function dates(date){
return int(mktime(A[3]" "A[1]" "A[2]" " 00 " " 00 " " 00) / 86400)
print $0,dates($2)-dates($1), "Days"

Error description:

Function mktime is not defined.
The input line number is 1.
The source line number is 7.[22]: test: argument expected

Any help appreciated
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