File grep quick query

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# 1  
Old 11-09-2013
RedHat File grep quick query

Hi Experts,

I need some suggestion on file grep.

I am trying to find multiple pattern with the file grep as below

grep "2013" trace.log | grep -f pattern.cfg -i  > $LOG
if [ -s $LOG ] ; then
 mail -s "Exception" "" < $LOG

Is it possible to obtain what pattern I got in the results? Is there any way to get the what pattern I got in the results ?

# 2  
Old 11-09-2013
Not using a single grep.

You could use one grep for each line in pattern.cfg.

You could use something iike awk to read pattern.cfg and match each of the basic regular expressions against the lines in trace.log (note, however, that awk uses extended regular expressions instead of BREs) and print both the matched line and the RE that matched it.

Without knowing more about what your data looks like (both pattern.cfg and trace.log) and what output you want, we can only make wild guesses about what you're trying to do.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 3  
Old 11-11-2013
Please find the details
$cat pattern.cfg

Pattern varies per server and it may increase or decrease.
So shall i modify like below, Is there any other smarter way to identify the same
grep "2013" trace.log | grep -f pattern.cfg -i  > $LOG.TMP
if [ -s $LOG ] ; then
 echo "Error Found for following exception" > pattern.stg
 while read string
 pattern=$(grep "$string" $LOG.TMP)
 echo "pattern" >> pattern.stg
 cat pattern.stg > $LOG
 mail -s "Exception" "" < $LOG

# 4  
Old 11-11-2013
As I said before: "Without knowing more about what your data looks like (both pattern.cfg and trace.log) and what output you want, we can only make wild guesses about what you're trying to do." You have now shown us a sample pattern.cfg file. Please show us a sample trace.log file and the output that you want to be produced as a result of processing those two sample input files.

Note that the:
 while read string
 pattern=$(grep "$string" $LOG.TMP)
 echo "pattern" >> pattern.stg

in your script does not specify a file from which "string"s will be read. So this script will wait for you to type in strings (without prompts) while it is running. Did you intend to redirect input to this loop from pattern.cfg? (Once you show us a complete set of input files and your desired output, this point might not matter; but as it currently stands, we just don't know what output you are trying to produce.)
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 5  
Old 11-11-2013
It was missing in the "done" it should be


But I am unable to post the traces logs show here. But still we can consider this way for my experiment.
# 6  
Old 11-11-2013
You don't have to post REAL data, just representative data. We'd be happy to help you if you would just make up a representative sample of the inputs and output with sensitive data (names, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.) replaced by made up replacements that use the same data formats.

You're already using as the e-mail address to receive your messages. I assume that isn't the real intended destination. Do the same thing for the rest of your sample data.
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