Alias does not work with bash profile

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Alias does not work with bash profile
# 8  
Old 11-08-2013
So I would suggest so we understand:
you type:
su - user1
echo $0

And produce here the output!

If you were in ksh, you will see the aliases, typing bash after, you will loose them I suppose because not transmitted as not the same shell...
Let me try and test...

Last edited by vbe; 11-08-2013 at 01:33 PM.. Reason: typos
# 9  
Old 11-08-2013
I'd bet that alias wldm is defined in ~/.profile but not in ~/.bashrc. So, for a login shell it is available, for an interactive non-login shell it is not. And neither for ksh.
# 10  
Old 11-08-2013
Hi Rudi
I just tested and noticed it can vary between OS ... the closest I found was a debian:
nase1:/home/vbe $ su - pd1
pd1@nase1:~$ sh
$ alias
$ alias ll='ls- al'
$ alias
ll='ls- al'
$ ksh
$ alias
2d='set -f;_2d'
autoload='typeset -fu'
command='command '
float='typeset -lE'
functions='typeset -f'
hash='alias -t --'
history='hist -l'
integer='typeset -li'
nameref='typeset -n'
nohup='nohup '
r='hist -s'
redirect='command exec'
source='command .'
stop='kill -s STOP'
suspend='kill -s STOP $$'
times='{ { time;} 2>&1;}'
type='whence -v'
$ bash
pd1@nase1:~$ alias
alias cls='clear'
alias dir='ls -laF'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias lla='ls -al'
alias set2vt='export TERM=vt220'
pd1@nase1:~$ sh
$ alias
$   # Here I have the same shell as beginning: sh ! but as not exited it is not the first...

So going from sh to ksh I loose the alias... and typing sh at last after a bash I dont see it either, but as RudiC suggests, I am not in a clear situation where the alias was put in the correct profiles... so its may not be all that pertinent...

Last edited by vbe; 11-08-2013 at 01:50 PM..
# 11  
Old 11-08-2013
I was hoping our thread owner post what I asked so we could understand...
# 12  
Old 11-08-2013
Here is the entry in my user1 profile.

$ more .profile
#       This is the default standard profile provided to a user.
#       They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.
set -o vi
# Set up the prompt
        export P=`uname -n`"@"`echo $LOGNAME`
$P $ '

echo "Changing to app home dir."
cd /opt/app/user1/tulip
alias wldm='cd /opt/app/wls'

Here is my OS

$ uname -a
SunOS mymachine 5.10 Generic_148888-04 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220

and here is the output of what you requested.

su - user1
echo $0
wldm=10log='cd /opt/app/wls'
autoload='typeset -fu'
command='command '
functions='typeset -f'
history='fc -l'
integer='typeset -i'
ll='ls -rlt'
nohup='nohup '
r='fc -e -'
stop='kill -STOP'
suspend='kill -STOP $$'

Please suggest how can i get my alias to work with sh, ksh and bash

Last edited by vbe; 11-08-2013 at 02:58 PM..
# 13  
Old 11-08-2013
You have it working in bash. Did you read my above post?
# 14  
Old 11-11-2013
Originally Posted by RudiC
I'd bet that alias wldm is defined in ~/.profile but not in ~/.bashrc. So, for a login shell it is available, for an interactive non-login shell it is not. And neither for ksh.
Where do i find ~/.bashrc for bash and similarly for ksh ?

Location Path of the directory please !!

It's not in my home directory.
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