10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Programming
Hi All,
We have moved our OS from Sun Solaris to Linux and also some of the compilers.
Our old makefile used to be as below:
.c.o : ;$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $(DEFINES) $*.c -o $*.o
... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: shash
3 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Dear all,
I have a quite simple question about how to manipulate "makefile.am". I intend to:
1. "CFLAGS" and "CXXFLAGS" have no value at all. I know that these values get "-g -O2" by default. On the other hand, when I try to set them as "CFLAGS = " in "makefile.am", I get warning messages... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Dandan
4 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I'm really confused how to use a makefile.
Are you supposed to be make a file from emacs called MakeFile and put code in there to compile?
I am trying to create a makefile to compile two .cpp files in my current directory to produce two .o files and then link them...
What I did was make a... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: jzhang172
1 Replies
4. Homework & Coursework Questions
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
I have been trying to make the program swap but i have been getting errors with the makefile such as
driver.o:... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: mgyeah
1 Replies
5. Homework & Coursework Questions
Use and complete the template provided. The entire template must be completed. If you don't, your post may be deleted!
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Basically, the prompt is make a makefile with various sub makefiles in their respective subdirectories. All code... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Tatl
1 Replies
6. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
I have 2 libraries in 2 different directories that I build with Makefiles.
library B depends on library A. If I modify a .cpp file in library A and run lib B's Makefile can I have B's makefile to automatically rebuild library A?
I am now rebuilding A, followed by B... but I'd like B to... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: wwuster
0 Replies
7. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users
Hi, I'm trying to run the module load command in a Makefile and i'm getting the following error:
make: module: command not found
Why is this? Is there any way to run this command in a Makefile?
NOTE: command - module load msjava/sunjdk/1.5.0 works fine outside of the Makefile (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: hernandinho
2 Replies
8. High Performance Computing
I am new to creating makefiles.
I have several fortran programs in a folder called as "test" and also have several subroutines in another folder (which is inside this test folder) called as libry
My makefile is in the folder "test"
I want to create a makefile which can access the files in... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: explorer
2 Replies
9. Programming
What I want to do is for make to reconstruct the target even if its dependencies have not changed. So, even if if the dependent files do not have a more recent timestamp, the commands are executed.
The reason I want to do this..
1)someone executes make on solaris. We have a solaris... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: tantric
4 Replies
10. Programming
can anyone well explain how to create a makefile? especially those commands in the makefile?
BTW, what is CFLAG? (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: ligerdave
2 Replies
ccmakedep(1) General Commands Manual ccmakedep(1)
ccmakedep - create dependencies in makefiles using a C compiler
ccmakedep [ cpp-flags ] [ -wwidth ] [ -smagic-string ] [ -fmakefile ] [ -oobject-suffix ] [ -v ] [ -a ] [ -cccompiler ] [ -- options -- ]
sourcefile ...
The ccmakedep program calls a C compiler to preprocess each sourcefile, and uses the output to construct makefile rules describing their
dependencies. These rules instruct make(1) on which object files must be recompiled when a dependency has changed.
By default, ccmakedep places its output in the file named makefile if it exists, otherwise Makefile. An alternate makefile may be speci-
fied with the -f option. It first searches the makefile for a line beginning with
or one provided with the -s option, as a delimiter for the dependency output. If it finds it, it will delete everything following this up
to the end of the makefile and put the output after this line. If it doesn't find it, the program will append the string to the makefile
and place the output after that.
Normally, ccmakedep will be used in a makefile target so that typing 'make depend' will bring the dependencies up to date for the makefile.
For example,
SRCS = file1.c file2.c ...
CFLAGS = -O -DHACK -I../foobar -xyz
ccmakedep -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS)
The program will ignore any option that it does not understand, so you may use the same arguments that you would for cc(1), including -D
and -U options to define and undefine symbols and -I to set the include path.
-a Append the dependencies to the file instead of replacing existing dependencies.
Use this compiler to generate dependencies.
Filename. This allows you to specify an alternate makefile in which ccmakedep can place its output. Specifying "-" as the file
name (that is, -f-) sends the output to standard output instead of modifying an existing file.
Starting string delimiter. This option permits you to specify a different string for ccmakedep to look for in the makefile. The
default is "# DO NOT DELETE".
-v Be verbose: display the C compiler command before running it.
-- options --
If ccmakedep encounters a double hyphen (--) in the argument list, then any unrecognized arguments following it will be silently
ignored. A second double hyphen terminates this special treatment. In this way, ccmakedep can be made to safely ignore esoteric
compiler arguments that might normally be found in a CFLAGS make macro (see the EXAMPLE section above). -D, -I, and -U options
appearing between the pair of double hyphens are still processed normally.
cc(1), make(1), makedepend(1), ccmakedep(1).
ccmakedep was written by the X Consortium.
Colin Watson wrote this manual page, originally for the Debian Project, based partly on the manual page for makedepend(1).
X Version 11 imake 1.0.5 ccmakedep(1)