STTY Columns Setting Environment Variable?

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# 1  
Old 10-24-2013
STTY Columns Setting Environment Variable?

I am wondering about the following:

stty columns 140

I have found that a number of times I need to set my display columns to a high number (such as 140) but I have to do this every time I login to use putty/ssh. Can we set this with an environmental variable so that it is permanent?

Also I get errors or "terminal too wide" when trying to run shell scripts. That is why I want to set a permanent length.

I do not see any stty or tty when I type ENV. What I do see is SSH_TTY. I am not sure if this is where I need to make my entry or if it is even possible to set this environment variable.
# 2  
Old 10-24-2013
The stty command opens /dev/tty and alters its settings with a system call, it's not an environment variable any more than baud rate would be.

stty has absolutely no ability to modify your environment anyway. Like every process it gets its own environment when run, an independent copy of yours.

If you want this run whenever you login, add that line to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc or whatever equivalent file your shell uses -- what is your shell?
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-24-2013

It is bash. I will put the stty columns 140 line in the profile then and then source it.
# 4  
Old 10-24-2013
You could also do 'exec bash' to get the same result, or re-login.
# 5  
Old 10-24-2013
So, assuming you have set your rows an columns in Putty itself, if you're using a size sensitive terminal type on the backend, e.g. xterm (see PuTTY Connection->Data, Terminal-type string), it should just work. Now, I'm talking about PuTTYing to a host. Obviously, once you jump through that terminal to another host, there could be some terminal issues again, but you didn't say you were doing that.
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