To append last word of the line

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers To append last word of the line
# 1  
Old 10-22-2013
To append last word of the line

Hi All,
I need to append the last word of a line to the same line inside a file.
For example::
Below are the contents inside an input file

Output file should be::


# 2  
Old 10-22-2013
awk -F/ '$(NF+1)=$NF' OFS=/ file

# 3  
Old 10-22-2013
sed 's:.*\(/.\):&\1:' file

# 4  
Old 10-22-2013
Thank Franklin, Bala.

It would be great if you can give a brief explaination.
# 5  
Old 10-22-2013
Originally Posted by gujrathinr
Thank Franklin, Bala.

It would be great if you can give a brief explaination.
$(NF+1)=$NF creates a new column ($NF+1) with the value of the last column $NF.

The statement $(NF+1)=$NF is a condition without braces. Since the condition is true, awk prints the current record per default.
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