Search for string in a file then compare it with excel files entry

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# 1  
Old 10-16-2013
Search for string in a file then compare it with excel files entry

i have a file text.log:

other file is abc.log as :

Then I have a excel file result.xls that contains:

Name Path Pass

Now I want to write a perl script that will check if 1st column and 2nd row of results.xls is equal to first string of text.log then, write 1st string of abc.log in 3rd column 1st row of result.xls i.e under Pass field.

example : Row 2 of result.xls contain cover2 but in text.log cover2 is in 3rd line. So, row2 3rd column of result.xls will contain string in 3rd line of abc.log i.e 1.

Similarly for all rows.


---------- Post updated at 04:53 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:28 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Anamika08
i have a file text.log:

other file is abc.log as :

Then I have a excel file result.xls that contains:

Name Path Pass

Now I want to write a perl script that will check if 1st column and 2nd row of results.xls is equal to first string of text.log then, write 1st string of abc.log in 3rd column 1st row of result.xls i.e under Pass field.

example : Row 2 of result.xls contain cover2 but in text.log cover2 is in 3rd line. So, row2 3rd column of result.xls will contain string in 3rd line of abc.log i.e 1.

Similarly for all rows.


Last edited by Anamika08; 10-16-2013 at 06:53 AM.. Reason: modified details
# 2  
Old 10-23-2013
This is the wrong forum, for sure!

I'd just run the xls through xls2txt in shell, get my value, grep for the line number, use sed or a shell loop to grab the right line. Of course, you can do it in PERL, or any other language with xls libraries, but if you do not learn PERL how can you maintain it?
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