How to search and count strings?

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# 1  
Old 10-16-2013
How to search and count strings?


Is there a command to do a sensitive/in-sensitive search for a string on a line and print how many times that string appears?

For example, if I have a line of text below:

dog cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog

Is there a command to search for dog that will print out 3 as a result? I tried grep but grep searches by line.

Feedback much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 10-16-2013
This will show the sum of hits on all lines in the input file:
$ cat infile
dog cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
lion tiger dog
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if($c == "dog"){h++}}} END{print h}' RS= infile

This would show it per line:
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if($c == "dog"){h++}}} {print h}' infile

This User Gave Thanks to zaxxon For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-16-2013
How about:-
tr " " "^J" < infile | grep -c dog

The ^J character is achieved by the key sequence CNTL-V then CNTL-J

The tr splits it into separate lines where it meets a space, then grep -c counts them.

I hope that this helps.

# 4  
Old 10-17-2013
Originally Posted by zaxxon
This will show the sum of hits on all lines in the input file:
$ cat infile
dog cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
lion tiger dog
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if($c == "dog"){h++}}} END{print h}' RS= infile

This would show it per line:
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if($c == "dog"){h++}}} {print h}' infile


Thanks for your reply.

Testing it out gives below:

$: cat infile
dog cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
lion tiger DOG
$: awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if(tolower($c) == "dog"){h++}}} {print h}' infile

Using nawk instead of awk gives 1 instead of 0. Shouldn't tolower work as well with awk?

Also, testing it with the oracle tnsping command.

$: tnsping testp1

TNS Ping Utility for Solaris: Version - Production on 16-OCT-2013 16:18:06

Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:


Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias

OK (10 msec)

$: tnsping testp1 | grep "Attempting"

- Then I tried to grep for Host and expecting to get 2 but got 0 (zero) instead. I tried using nawk, it gives 0 (zero) as well. Any ideas?

$: tnsping testp1 | grep "Attempting" | awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if($c == "Host"){h++}}} {print h}'

- BTW, FYI kinda hoping to be able to parse the tnsping output and be able to reference each value as a shell variable, i.e. for example, echo $load_balance to give off, that's for another post I guess. For the moment, just want to be able to count for a string occurremce.

- Thanks again for your reply.
# 5  
Old 10-17-2013
Right, I forgot you needed it to be case insensitive.

I know, no big help but it worked for me:
$ cat infile
dog cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
cat rat apple banana dog lion tiger dog
lion tiger DOG
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if(tolower($c) == "dog"){h++}}} {print h}' infile

For parsing the other output with "Host", you should use something like this, because the word doesn't stand alone separated by awk's field separator:
$ awk '{for(c=0;c<=NF;c++){if(c==0){h=0}; if( tolower($c) ~ /host/ ){h++}}} {print h}' infile

Last edited by zaxxon; 10-17-2013 at 05:09 AM..
# 6  
Old 10-17-2013
Case insensitive version of my one-liner:-
tr " " "^J" < infile | grep -ic dog

# 7  
Old 10-17-2013
Another alternative (if you have GNU grep):
grep -oi dog infile | wc -l

This User Gave Thanks to CarloM For This Post:
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