awk solution to duplicate lines based on column

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2013
awk solution to duplicate lines based on column

Hi experts, I have a tab-delimited file with one column containing values separated by a comma. I wish to duplicate the entire line for every value in that comma-delimited field.

For example:

$cat file
4444     4444            4444     4444
9990     2222,7777       6666     2222   <---this one
1900     1111            2222     4444
1800     0000            5555     8989
1700     3333,4444,5555  8787     4444   <---this one

$cat output
4444     4444  4444     4444
9990     2222  6666     2222  <---duplicate1
9990     7777  6666     2222  <---duplicate2
1900     1111  2222     4444
1800     0000  5555     8989
1700     3333  8787     4444   <---duplicate1
1700     4444  8787     4444   <---duplicate2
1700     5555  8787     4444   <---duplicate3

Many thanks in advance for your help!
# 2  
Old 10-10-2013
awk '$2~","{n=split($2,a,",");for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {$2=a[i];print};next}1' OFS="\t" file

This User Gave Thanks to bartus11 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-10-2013
Or in this particular case try:
awk '{$1=$1; gsub(/,/, OFS $3 OFS $4 ORS $1 OFS)}1' OFS='\t' file

This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
# 4  
Old 10-11-2013
Many thanks, both solutions appear to work!

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