Read the man page of the find command, especially the parts about -ctime, -atime and -mtime. Use -print to display the files and double-check they are the ones you want to remove, then replace -print with -exec rm {} \; (yes, the semicolon is part of the command) to delete the files found that way.
bakunin thanks for replying me,i already saw that find command and in find command we use number of day like -mtime 7,-ctime +5 to delete files created 7 and 5 days ago . is there any command in which we can mention a particular date eg 28sep to delete all files created on sep 28?
Yes, find can compare file dates (see the -newer clause, for instance). You can create a "template file" with a suitable date by using the touch command (see man touch) and use this file in a subsequent find.
Yes, find can compare file dates (see the -newer clause, for instance). You can create a "template file" with a suitable date by using the touch command (see man touch ) and use this file in a subsequent find .
hi bakunin,whatever you are telling (shown above) can you please explain the steps with an example ? thanks in advance.
I asked you to read the man page of find and especially about the -newer clause. To quote from the man page:
-newer file
File was modified more recently than file.
Now use the touch command to prepare such a reference file with a time stamp at the start of the interval you want to find files in: your date, time 00:00. Issue man touch to find out how this is done.
After you have created this file you can issue
to find all the files modified more recently than this reference file. This means all the files you want but also newer ones, from dates more recent than the one you are interested in. To limit your result to the certain date create a second reference file (the same way you created the first, see above) with the time stamp set to your date, time 23:59. Now use a second -newer clause with this file as reference, but this time negated (see the ! operator, which reverses tests in find).
The only files found this way are now the ones which are newer than your-day, 00:00 AND not newer (=older) than your-day, 23:59, which is what you wanted. You can safely remove the two reference files after finds run.
I suggest you play around a bit with the commands of find to get used to it. Use the -print (or -print0) clause, so that the files found only are displayed instead of deleted or otherwise affected.
I'm quite new to Unix but I want to delete some old backup files stored in a directory.
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find... (5 Replies)
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To delete log files content older than 30 days and append the lastest date log file date in the respective logs
I want to write a shell script that deletes all log files content older than 30 days and append the lastest log file date in the respective logs
This is my script
cd... (2 Replies)
Guys, I am wondering how to remove files for a specific date in a directory?
for instance when I do ls -l , i see many files. And i want to delete files for date May 15:
58252015 May 10 03:45 my_05102012.log
58252015 May 15 06:45 my_05152012.log
Thanks (8 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I need help on deleting particular date files in a directory. I have to delete thousands of files with respect to particular date. Could anyone help on this to delete particular date files at a time?
Thanks in Advance (2 Replies)
we have files created by Aug12 and Feb 23 and Mar10
i want to delete the files which has created on Mar 10
Kindly let me know the script to delete the files which is created by Mar 10 (4 Replies)
Due to an error while processing data I have to delete all files created the 4 october on a RED HAT 3 Server.
I am wondering if one of you is aware of a command that could only delete all files that were created the
Oct 4 This will be very, very, very helpful
Thanks for your... (6 Replies)
Hi All,
I am wondering whether is there a way to remove files according to date. For example, I have 500 files between Jan - April, and I want to remove files created only on March.
Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advanced.
Ronny (2 Replies)
My apache logs are saved in the following format (using rotatelogs):
Oct 8 01:59 access_log.1002412800
Oct 9 01:55 access_log.1002499200
Oct 10 01:58 access_log.1002585600
Oct 11 01:56 access_log.1002672000
Oct 12 01:59 access_log.1002758400
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