Des/awk for change format and adding integers in a column of data?

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# 1  
Old 09-23-2013
Des/awk for change format and adding integers in a column of data?


I need a quick way to change the format in a table of data

Here is an example of the input:
10	72	Value=177	VDB=0.0245	Value4=0,0,171,0
10	274	Value=238	VDB=0.0433	Value4=29,0,205,0
10	312	Value=222	VDB=0.0384	Value4=8,0,190,19
10	540	Value=405	VDB=0.0391	Value4=13,30,153,195
10	542	Value=403	VDB=0.0384	Value4=45,35,121,188
10	637	Value=341	VDB=0.0418	Value4=0,1,122,195
10	645	Value=370	VDB=0.0368	Value4=0,1,131,211
10	674	Value=366	VDB=0.0323	Value4=0,5,148,200
10	854	Value=356	VDB=0.0418	Value4=14,11,188,119
10	888	Value=396	VDB=0.0374	Value4=0,0,209,176
10	892	Value=397	VDB=0.0351	Value4=0,1,210,176
10	909	Value=402	VDB=0.0374	Value4=1,6,205,186

What I need is the "Value4" column to be just a number (no text) and that number is the total of all the comma-separated integers.

Desired output:
10	72	Value=177	VDB=0.0245	171
10	274	Value=238	VDB=0.0433	234
10	312	Value=222	VDB=0.0384	217
10	540	Value=405	VDB=0.0391	391
10	542	Value=403	VDB=0.0384	389
10	637	Value=341	VDB=0.0418	318
10	645	Value=370	VDB=0.0368	343
10	674	Value=366	VDB=0.0323	353
10	854	Value=356	VDB=0.0418	332
10	888	Value=396	VDB=0.0374	385
10	892	Value=397	VDB=0.0351	387
10	909	Value=402	VDB=0.0374	398

I feel like this shouldn't be too difficult to do using sed/awk, but can't figure it out.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 09-23-2013
See if this helps
awk ' {gsub("[^0-9]|Value4",",",$NF); split($NF,a,","); for (i in a) $NF=a[3]+a[4]+a[5]+a[6] }1 ' inputfile

This User Gave Thanks to Peasant For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-23-2013
It works! Thanks!
# 4  
Old 09-23-2013
Peasant's proposal works, but I'm not sure why he 6 times sums up the array's values.
awk ' {gsub(/^.*=/, "", $NF); split($NF, a, ","); $NF=0; for (i in a) $NF+=a[i]} 1 ' file

This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
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