Solaris - Filter columns in text file and adding new column

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Solaris - Filter columns in text file and adding new column
# 8  
Old 10-03-2013
Originally Posted by jpbastos
Don thank you very very much for your help, it is working nearly to perfection

My appologies if I donīt give all info at once, I am quite newbie to this as I mention, and just learning as I go along.....

Your solution works perfect, the only thing I am not very clear is how I can add a specific range for a specific line, is that possible?

Say I would only want to change thresholds for EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT but not EH.ERROR.ADB_UPDATE, I tried this but does not work Smilie

EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT --------- 5* 0 11 0.0 Kb
EH.ERROR.ADB_UPDATE --------- 5* 0 0 0.0 Kb
ERP.SAP-PI.bpmMensagemSMS.EH ---+----- 5* 0 234 0.0 Kb

I tried this but did not work....

BEGIN {#ERE to match domain            Range 0 max        Range 1 max
        dom[0] = ".*";                 rm[0,0] = 1000;    rm[0,1] = 2000     
        dom[1] = "^EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT\.";        rm[1,0] = 15000;      rm[1,1] = 20000     
        dom[2] = "^ERP\.";       rm[2,0] = 10000;      rm[2,1] = 20000
        # determine # of columns needed to print range values...  
        for(i = 0; i < ndom; i++) {    
                if(length(rm[i,0]) > mr0) mr0 = length(rm[i,0])  
                if(length(rm[i,1]) > mr1) mr1 = length(rm[i,1])   

Again, thank you very much for your time and patience with this newbie :P
The EREs in the dom[] array must be ordered such that a specific line's 1st field will match the line you want to be treated specially. Since the ERE .* will match any string, this entry must be last in the list. This line provides the default values for domains not matched by any other domains you define.

If you wanted an entry for an exact match against EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT with one set of values and another set of values for other entries starting with EH. (as in your first example) in addition to your entries for values starting with ERP. and everything else, you would want something like:
BEGIN { # Define domain matching EREs and maximum values for ranges 0 and 1
        ndom = 0        # number of domains defined
        # RE to match domain    range 0 max             range 1 max
        # Exact match "EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT":
        dom[ndom] = "^EH\.ERROR\.ADB_INSERT$";
                                rm[ndom,0] = 15000;     rm[ndom++,1] = 20000
        # Starts with "EH.":
        dom[ndom] = "^EH\.";    rm[ndom,0] = 10;        rm[ndom++,1] = 20
        # Starts with "ERP.":
        dom[ndom] = "^ERP\.";   rm[ndom,0] = 10000;     rm[ndom++,1] = 20000
        # Everything else:
        dom[ndom] = ".*";       rm[ndom,0] = 1000;      rm[ndom++,1] = 2000

        # determine # of columns needed to print range values...
        for(i = 0; i < ndom; i++) {
                if(length(rm[i,0]) > mr0) mr0 = length(rm[i,0])
                if(length(rm[i,1]) > mr1) mr1 = length(rm[i,1])

I changed the script to use ndom and ndom++ as subscripts while initializing the dom[] and rm[]arrays above, so it should be easier to add, move, and remove domains. Your last message wasn't clear as to whether you still wanted a general case for domains starting with "EH." as well as a different setting for "EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT" or if you wanted the other lines starting with "EH." to use the last (default) ranges.

Note that since the extended regular expressions
^EH\.ERROR\.ADB_INSERT$, ^EH\. , and .* all match the string "EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT", the 1st ERE must be in the table before the other two for the script to use use the ranges assigned to that domain.

With the above code, the output produced for the input above is:
EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT                  11  0 15000 20000
EH.ERROR.ADB_UPDATE                   0  0    10    20
ERP.SAP-PI.bpmMensagemSMS.EH        234  0 10000 20000

If you remove the two lins in red in the script above, the output will be:
EH.ERROR.ADB_INSERT                  11  0 15000 20000
EH.ERROR.ADB_UPDATE                   0  0  1000  2000
ERP.SAP-PI.bpmMensagemSMS.EH        234  0 10000 20000

with the line changed by removing that domain highlighted in red above.
# 9  
Old 10-04-2013
Don, working just perfect now, if I was closer Iīd definetelly buy you a beer!!

Thank you VERY much for your help!
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