Delete the file which crossed 2GB

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Delete the file which crossed 2GB
# 22  
Old 09-24-2013
Why not attempt longhand first to get the file size with standard tools and commands?
Like this for example treating the listing as a simple array:-
Last login: Tue Sep 24 19:17:22 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> IFS=" "
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ls -l /bin/bash
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1371648  9 May  2012 /bin/bash
AMIGA:barrywalker~> text=$(ls -l /bin/bash)
AMIGA:barrywalker~> data=($text)
AMIGA:barrywalker~> text=$(echo -n "${data[4]}")
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo "$text"
AMIGA:barrywalker~> echo "${#text}"
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _


A basic _one_liner_ re-using the "text" variable...
Last login: Tue Sep 24 20:54:47 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> # A _one_liner_ re-using the "text" variable...
AMIGA:barrywalker~> IFS=" "; text=$(ls -l /bin/bash); text=($text); text="${text[4]}"; echo "$text"
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _

Last edited by wisecracker; 09-24-2013 at 06:04 PM.. Reason: Added the EDIT: section...
# 23  
Old 09-25-2013
Originally Posted by alister
It was posted in post #14 and discussed in post #18.

Error is not in response to post #17. I guess it should work.
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