How to use grep with numerical values?

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# 1  
Old 09-07-2013
How to use grep with numerical values?

I'm new to Unix and I have been trying to fix this problem for the past week.

How would I use grep to display only certain numbers for a list. For example, if I have this list:

Joe   senior   4/50 
John  junior   25/50
Mary  junior  41/50
Martha sophomore 2/50

How do I get a file containing just the third column with numbers from 0-9/50? When I use grep '[0-9]' , it gives me 2/50 AND 25/50. I just want the single digit numbers. I have only learned how to use the "grep", "cut", and "sort" commands. Thanks for everyone's help in advance.
# 2  
Old 09-07-2013
grep "[^0-9][0-9]/50"

[^0-9] means a character that is not 0-9
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