Unloging a user??

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# 1  
Old 09-27-2001
Unloging a user??

This one is I guess really easy but I still don't know it. When I do finger I can see all the users which are connected to my server, the question is how can I remove any of them (I'am logged as a root). ??
# 2  
Old 09-27-2001
There are several ways to log out a user depending on your exact OS etc. Basically it involves killing the users processes. On Solaris 7/8, you can do:
pkill -9 -u (user_login)

or this is a cheesy script I wrote a long time to do the same on Solaris 2.5/2.6
until [ "$quit" = "q" ] || [ "$quit" = "Q" ]
   echo These users are on the system
   echo which user shall I kill next?
   read user
   if [ "$user" = "root" ]
        then echo "Cannot kill root, try again"
        read user
   for i in `/usr/ucb/ps -auxw | grep ^$user | cut -c8-15`
         kill -9 $i
   echo Press enter to run again or q to quit
   read quit

This concept will work on any *NIX, but you may have to tweak the paths and columns in the cut statement.
# 3  
Old 09-28-2001
Thnx. Smilie
# 4  
Old 09-28-2001
kill -9 is king of harsh here... I have success using the HUP (signal 1) kill spec. So you're actually sending the Hang Up signal to all of their processes, which let them all exit gracefully. Anything left running after that is usually killable with a regular kill command (I think it defaults to signal 15, SIGTERM).

I have a script that will kill a user by sending the HUP signal, sleep for a few seconds, send a little bit stronger of a signal, sleep, then finally send any hung processes the -9 SIGKILL signal.
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