10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers
I have files in a Linux directory . Some of the file is listed below
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:17 zzz_123_00000_A_1.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:18 zzz_121_00000_A_2.csv
-rw-rw-r--. 1 roots roots 0 Dec 23 02:18 zzz_124_00000_A_3.csv
drwxrwxr-x. 2 roots roots 6 Dec 23... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Balraj
4 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
Could someone help me to append string to the starting of all the filenames inside a directory but it should exclude .zip files and subdirectories.
file1: test1.log
file2: test2.log
file3 test.zip
After running the script
file1: string_test1.log
file2: string_test2.log
file3:... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Ravi Kishore
4 Replies
3. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
need to zip all files in a directory and move to another directory after the zip..
i am using this one but didnt help me...
zip -r my_proj_`date +%Y%m%d%H%MS`.zip /path/my_proj
mv in_proj_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.zip /path/source/
i am trying to zip all the files in my_proj... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: dssyadav
0 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi All,
Am new to both Unix & this Forum - Need some help on a script that I am trying to write:
In a Directory i have few text files which might or might not contain some text that I am trying to find.
Once that text is found in any of the files, it needs to be removed from the file
... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: rituparna_gupta
6 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I just saw that on my vps (centOS) my oscommerce with a seo script
has created millions of tmp files inside the /html/cache/ directory.
I would need to remove all those files (millions), I tried via shell but the vps
loads goes to very high and it hangs, is there some way to do a... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: andymc1
7 Replies
6. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Im facing a problem that im stucked,
I have the following structure:
thales@pereirtc-vbox:/home/VfARM$ ls
code config doc lib manifest.bak manifest.rel manifest.v3 ns pub
if i try to execute zip -q -o arm.zip VfARM/* it will create a zip file with the folder VfARM.... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Thales.Claro
2 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am Trying to Write a script that can goto 4 different directorys on the server & remove the Files older then 30 days ??
logs1 logs2 logs3
Now I need to remove files under
logs1 logs2 logs3 which are older then 30 days whose name stat 'sit' , 'mig','bld' .
in... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Beginner123
3 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
help trying to figure out a batch shell script to zip each file in a directory into its own zip file
using this code but it does not work
tryed this also
nothing seems to work , just ends without zipping any files
i have over 3000 files i need to zip up individualy
... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: wingchun22
7 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have two files in a directory:
I need to zip both files up but the command I am doing below is only zipping xxx.txt file????:
zip -q ${name}${FILE_OUT_NAME}.zip ls -lrt *.csv *.txt
can anyone help?:confused: (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: Pablo_beezo
3 Replies
10. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hi I need to write a shell script which basically searches for all the empty files within the directory structure, lists them before asking the user to confirm if they would like to delete them. If the user deletes the file then a notice would appear confirming the file is deleted.
I've be... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: cat123
5 Replies