Taking word count from file and printing in file

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# 1  
Old 08-29-2013
Taking word count from file and printing in file


i am having a file which contains the below content, i need to take the word count of if and print the file name also


i would need the word count of the files like this
if file_name*.txt 
   wc -l file_name*.txt - 1
if type_name*.txt 
   wc -l type_name*.txt -2

so my output file format should have
file_name1.txt - 10,type_name1.txt - 20
file_name2.txt - 20,type_name2.txt - 30

considering the word count of the files like below
file_name1.txt - 11
file_name2.txt - 12
type_name2.txt - 32

Last edited by vbe; 08-29-2013 at 12:25 PM.. Reason: use code tags adequately not all your text...
# 2  
Old 08-29-2013
You are asking word count but in what you submitted I see line count...
Can you explain what we should understand with your 2 if ?
# 3  
Old 08-29-2013
its acutally line count of the files

my if conditions are it should apply line count for certain files for eg for names containing file_name*.txt(i.e file_name1.txt,file_name2.txt,....so on) in inputfile.txt, i need to apply line count with subtracting 1 and another if condition names containing like
type_name*.txt(i.e type_name1.txt,type_name2.txt,...so on) i need the to apply line count with subtracting 2
# 4  
Old 08-29-2013
Try this bashism, may not work with other shells:
IFS=","; while read N; do for i in $N; do [[ "$i" =~ type.* ]]; D=$?; echo -n $i - $(($(wc -l < $i) - (2 - $D) )) " "; done; echo; done < file
file_name1.txt - 25  type_name1.txt - 25  
file_name2.txt - 27  type_name2.txt - 28 
wc -l *.txt
  26 file_name1.txt
  28 file_name2.txt
  27 type_name1.txt
  30 type_name2.txt

# 5  
Old 08-29-2013

the above on is working but what i needed is in generic
for eg:

file_name1.txt type_name1.txt

by default it should be in condition like 
if file_name*.txt then line count to be subtracted by -1
and if type_name*.txt then line count to be subtracted by -2

and one more thing to be added can i add more rows like in my input file for eg:

how can i achieve for that

# 6  
Old 08-30-2013
I can't see it shouldn't work for your more generic case.
# 7  
Old 08-30-2013
is there any way out of it if i have n rows like
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