Create a file with input values required

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Create a file with input values required
# 8  
Old 08-30-2013
Why don't you combine a few of those commands:
echo $(($1-$2+$3-$4+2)) > swseq.tmp
printf " %s          0 \n" $(seq $1 -1 $2) >> swseq.tmp
printf " %s          1 \n" $(seq $3 -1 $4) >> swseq.tmp

# 9  
Old 08-31-2013

Here the last,,, Thanks a lot for your helpSmilieSmilie

      printf "Please enter the swath numbers in order of recording.\n"
      printf "\n"
             read -p "Last swath for the previous shipment: " lastsw1
      printf "\n"
             read -p "Last swath for actual shipmenth : " lastsw2

fsw2=`expr $lastsw1 - 1`

set $fsw $lsw1 $fsw2 $lsw2

echo "" $(($1-$2+$3-$4+2)) > swseq.tmp
printf " %s          0 \n" $(seq $1 -1 $2) >> swseq.tmp
printf " %s          1 \n" $(seq $3 -1 $4) >> swseq.tmp

unix2dos -q swseq.tmp

# 10  
Old 09-01-2013
If unix2dos' only purpose is to append the <carriage return> char for windows editors, you could also leave that out:
printf " %d\r\n" $(($1-$2+$3-$4+2)) > swseq.tmp
printf " %s\t0\r\n" $(seq $1 -1 $2) >> swseq.tmp
printf " %s\t1\r\n" $(seq $3 -1 $4) >> swseq.tmp

This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 11  
Old 09-02-2013
Hi RudiC
Thanks a lot for your support
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