How to print results from two lines using awk?

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# 1  
Old 08-14-2013
Linux How to print results from two lines using awk?

I need to print a specific string from an html file that's always occurring between two other known strings. Example: from the text below, I would like to print the bolded part:

<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

I'm using a grep command that greps a specific string (an error type) plus 5 lines before this error (that's where my string always occurs), plus an awk command to print the specific text after "fullpath:" and before "-cfver". Here's how my command looks like:

find -name 'my_file_name.html' -exec grep -B 5 'error type displayed' {} \; -print | more | awk -F "fullpath\:" '{print $2}' | awk -F "\-cfver" '{print $1}'

My problem is that this only prints only 1 line for each occurrence, so if the string that I want to print is happening in more than one line, the result appears truncated. Example:


How can I get printed only the strings between fullpath: and -cfver even if they occur in more than 1 line?

Thanks in advance!

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Use code tags please, see PM.

Last edited by zaxxon; 08-14-2013 at 10:32 AM.. Reason: code tags
# 2  
Old 08-14-2013
 cat file

<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>

awk '/fullpath/{match($0, /fullpath: (.*) \-cfver/, x); print x[1]}' file


This User Gave Thanks to in2nix4life For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-14-2013
$ cat a.txt
<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi
/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def
example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

$ awk '/fullpath/,/\-cfver/' a.txt | sed 's/.*fullpath://;s/\-cfver.*//'

This User Gave Thanks to itkamaraj For This Post:
# 4  
Old 08-14-2013
Originally Posted by in2nix4life
 cat file

<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>
<this is a lot of text before the string I want
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows
the string I want to print>

awk '/fullpath/{match($0, /fullpath: (.*) \-cfver/, x); print x[1]}' file


Thanks for your help, but your command does not return any results. It just prints empty lines.

---------- Post updated at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:50 AM ----------

Originally Posted by itkamaraj
$ cat a.txt
<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def/ghi
/example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

<this is a lot of text before the string I want 
to print> fullpath: abc/def
example.xlf -cfver. <sample text that follows 
the string I want to print>

$ awk '/fullpath/,/\-cfver/' a.txt | sed 's/.*fullpath://;s/\-cfver.*//'

Hi itkamaraj,

Awesome! Your solution works fine. Sorry to insist, but is there a way to have carriage returns displayed in the same lines instead of in different ones? Example:


# 5  
Old 08-14-2013
awk '/fullpath/{while ($0!~/-cfver/) {getline x; $0=$0x};gsub (/^.*fullpath: | -cfver.*$/,""); print} ' file 

# 6  
Old 08-16-2013
Hi RudiC,

Thanks for your help, but your command returns also text that's between the required strings. Somehow it does pick strings that are not required.
# 7  
Old 08-16-2013
How that? Post a sample file and the resulting error...
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