finally got online but it only lasted about 30 min. why???

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers finally got online but it only lasted about 30 min. why???
# 1  
Old 09-26-2001
finally got online but it only lasted about 30 min. why???

i got switched over to cable internet today so i reconfigured my internet connection settings using netcof and it worked right away. so i ended up rebooting to windows and them back to linux twice. the first time i went back to linux everything still worked, but now everytime i try to connect it won't let me...

what could have caused this??? i didn't make any more changes except to chane my background and font colors...

thanks in advance..,
# 2  
Old 09-26-2001
well, it still won't connect...
whenever i try i get a message that there is no ethernet card detected on my system...

i don't know of anything that would cause this to happen as everything worked fine for that first 30 minutes yesturday, and i have no problems in windows so it isn't that my ethernet card has gone bad???

any ideas???
# 3  
Old 09-27-2001
You should try running kudzu. If you have a PnP ethernet card in your system, it should detect it. Let me know what distribution of Linux you are running, too.

It shouldn't matter that you changed fonts or background colors, or even that you rebooted into Windows. Maybe when you ran netconf it turned on a daemon that didn't previously start up at system boot. I'd try running kudzu, and if it detects your ethernet card, I'd run netconf again.

# 4  
Old 09-27-2001
thanks for the reply but last night i went through and just played with everything for a while and it started working again.
i'm not exactly sure what i did but it seemed to work (although i haven't checked it yet today so i might be back here later!!

thanks again
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