Solaris Installation

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# 1  
Old 01-07-2001

Each and every time I tried to install Solaris 8 on my Dell Dimension (Intel P II - 400 MHz processor) the system hangs up. I am not able to load the Operating System at all. The same software works on other PC(different make). If anyone has a solution, please let me know.
# 2  
Old 01-07-2001
Intel Hardware Compatibility list for Solaris 8:

Doesn't list the Dell Dimension, so you might be out of luck....
# 3  
Old 01-09-2001
At what point in the installation does it "hang up"? You may consider Linux. I have RedHat 7 on my Dell Dimension XPS T550 and have previously installed 6.1 on it. I am planning to try installing Solaris 8 x86 on it soon.
# 4  
Old 01-09-2001
Solaris Installation

I tried to install Solaris 8 on a new 20GB hard drive. I created the required partitions and copied the mini root from the Solaris Installation disk. This mini root should be able to boot the system and will guide you through the rest of the installation. I was able to boot the system and after that the system freezes. I was not able to install the actual OS. I had tried various combinations of swap sizes (assuming it as the problem). Unfortunately neither Dell nor Solaris was able to give a solution. I tried this on two Dell Dimension systems (Same configuration) but it was of no use. This same software worked smoothly on a HP. I wish you luck. If you get lucky, inform me.
# 5  
Old 01-09-2001
When the system freezes, what is the output on the console monitor? The reason I ask is that during the boot process, error messages are redirected to the console as are other system messages. In order to debug the installation, we (or anyone) must have visibility into those messages and other system information provided at boot-time.

Unfortunately, you might need 'take a photo' of the screen messages since the messages are not saved to disk, but that is the fun of troubleshooting Smilie
# 6  
Old 06-14-2002
Hello everyone,

I am practicing on the installation of Solaris 8 Core software group. The reason i chose this group so that i could learn what and where to find things. Unfortunately, one thing leads to another. For example, man page was not included in the Core group, so I was able to find its package and after successfully installing it i tried it out - man ls, and got an error message "invalid SMGL". Not sure what this is but have a feeling that it is some library that is missing.

To stop chasing my tails, i have been surfing the site looking for installation documents that would tell me package dependencies. But i have been unsuccesful.

If anyone could give me a few ideas of where to search i'd really appreciate it.

Have a nice day.

# 7  
Old 06-17-2002
I supposed you had writen your master boot zone on hard disk, may be you success in the first time running, then you do installation again or something like this, will be "hang" at this moment.... try to Low format your harddisk

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