Mailserver Requirements

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# 1  
Old 09-20-2001
Question Mailserver Requirements


I want to setup a mailserver for an company having 25 users presentlly. Basically i am setting up first time. I want to know what are the minimum requirement for a mail server ie
1. Whether we require a domain name ( we can have our own domain name?)
2. whether we require a legal IP address
3. If in case we require domain name, who to contact and any additional information needed to setup a mailserver.

I am planning to use sendmail on linux

Please suggest me in this regard

# 2  
Old 09-20-2001
if you plan on sending mail to the outside world and haveing them being able to respond back then yes you need a valid realworld ip. a hostname helps.

Internic and 100 other companys can do this for you. OR you can call your service provider and let them know what you are doing and they will be able to get you going.

Hardware: depends on what kind of a scale your looking at. it doesnt take a beast of a machine to do mail and mail only. any box you can pick up off the net will just about do. so long has it has a fair amount of ram/ hd space/ nic card.
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