having ksh script problems

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# 1  
Old 09-18-2001
Network having ksh script problems

well i have written a script to telnet and ftp to all my servers, the script runs great, BUT i can not for the life of me figure out how to get the script to repeat if the conditions are not filled.

this is what i have so far

        echo T for Telnet or F for FTP
        read TF

        if [ $TF = "F" ] || [ $TF = "f" ]
                ftp $IPADD
        if [ $TF = "T" ] || [ $TF = "t" ]
                telnet $IPADD


echo "Please Select The site your would like to Telnet/FTP to."

echo      1. server1
echo      2. server2

echo "Please Make Your Selection. \c"
        read ANS

        case $ANS in


what i have been trying to do is have it start again if you do not meet the conditions. but i only want it to do that 2 times, before it will bring you back to a prompt......

I am stumped

any help would be great

added code tags for readability --oombera

Last edited by oombera; 02-18-2004 at 05:04 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-19-2001
How about something like this:
# simple menu - doesn't really do anything
# You may need to change this:
alias echoe="/bin/echo -e"

# functions:
func_1 () {
echoe "Yay \n\n"
func_2 () {
echoe "Boo \n\n"
menu_list () {
echoe "\n\n\t\tThis is the title\n\n\n"
echoe "Make your choice: \n"
echoe "To say Yay, press 1 \n"
echoe "To say Boo, press 2 \n"
echoe "To quit, press "q" \n"
go_ahead () {
tput smso
echoe "Press any key to return to the menu  \c"
tput rmso
oldstty=`stty -g`
stty -icanon -echo min 1 time 0
dd bs=1 count=1 >/dev/null 2>&1
stty "$oldstty"
func_select () {
tput smso
echoe "\nPlease make your selection ( )\b\b\c"
read selection
tput rmso
case $selection in
     1) clear ; func_1 ; go_ahead ;; 
     2) clear ; func_2 ; go_ahead ;;
     q|Q) tput rmso ; clear ; exit 0 ;;
# Here is where is gets looped - basically forever, until
# the "q" option is selected, causing an explicit exit

while `true`

This is similar to a lot of menu-like scripts that I've written for the folks around here that don't know (or care to know - heathens!) Unix, but need at least a little interaction to complete their job.

In case anyone was wondering why I didn't use all of ksh's cool little redundancies { such as $(true) instead of `true` }, it's because the code above is portable. It can be run by bash, sh, ksh, and their clones, with only two changes - the echoe alias, and the sh-bang line at the top.

Hope it gives you some ideas...
# 3  
Old 09-20-2001
well thats way over my head. but it will give me alot to think about. i can follow you to a point. i have a lot to learn about scripting but this helps alot. asicly if i get what you put is the while true which will of course go on for ever, stops because it has this line

q|Q) tput rmso ; clear ; exit 0 ;; in the case statement

and the while true is killed when you enter q to exit.

please tell me if i have this right.

# 4  
Old 09-21-2001
Yeah, you've got it.
It will loop as long as it's not told to exit. The tput command, and the clear command in that statement only do a cleanup - the tput rmso returns your terminal to normal, as opposed to reverse coloring, and clear, well - it clears the screen Smilie

I think you're on the right track though - I think it might be a good idea to copy and paste this script and execute it to see how it works...

Try putting the command "set -x" at the top of the script to see what's happening, and try changing it around a little to see what changes have what effect...
# 5  
Old 09-22-2001
thanks for all the help that worked great.

now i have to get started on the next script i have to come up with.

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