ATL L200 Tape Library and Solaris

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# 1  
Old 08-27-2001
ATL L200 Tape Library and Solaris

I picked up this library but I cannot get the device to actuate.
How do I make this work with Solaris 7?
# 2  
Old 08-27-2001
There are probably kernel parameters that need to be added to the /kernel/drv/st.conf & /kernel/drv/sg.conf files followed by a reboot. Did you get documentation with the library? Are you using Veritas, Legato or ??? for backup software? They are not plug & play at all.
Good luck.
# 3  
Old 08-28-2001
Its been hell so far - recieved documentation (obviously translated to english from some 18th world language) on installing WebAdmin - very difficult. If anyone knows a way I can just use system commands like I would with any HP drive I would appriciate it.

Something like a command to get the next tape and load it
file dump
next tape

etc etc - not all this fluffy BS I am sifting through

If I finally do figure it out I will put a write up here or a link to my sites that has it.
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