fun with tar

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# 8  
Old 12-07-2000
Just run a client on each of them, possibly with a personal proxy running on the master node to handle key updates.
# 9  
Old 12-07-2000
would't that just be the same it just running on 24 different machines, the idea behind the cluster was that there would be one process running and it would divide it up and complete the task. I could be wrong on that
# 10  
Old 12-07-2000
The client, by its very nature, is already doing this. Imagine that is the master node in a beowulf cluster comprised of thousands of PC's around the world. It divides up a task (RC5, OGR, whatever), and asks each node to complete a portion. In effect, it is the largest beowulf cluster in the world. It is pointless to try to divide the task into smaller chunks, as the master keyserver has already done this for you.

Anyway, running 24 additional clients would undoubtedly help your stats! Smilie
# 11  
Old 12-19-2000
Question Tar command

I have an 8mm tape that contains Unix directories and files created with the tar command. Subsequent directories and files have been appended to the tape using the tctl -f command. I am trying to restore a few files from this tape (a couple save sets into the tape) using the tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /filename command but it doesn't seem to work. It sits there a few minutes as if its working and the tape drive is working as if its reading through the tape, but no files are placed anywhere. Please help!!!!
# 12  
Old 12-19-2000
what is rhe exact output that you get from the command? Or does it just return to a prompt?
# 13  
Old 12-19-2000
tar command

Originally posted by PxT
what is rhe exact output that you get from the command? Or does it just return to a prompt?
There is no output. It just returns to a prompt.
# 14  
Old 12-20-2000
Have you verified the contents of the tape with the 't' option to tar?

i.e. "tar -tvf /dev/rmt0"

does this command show you the contents you expect?
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