Adding Filename as column using sed

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# 1  
Old 10-02-2011
Adding Filename as column using sed

Hi ,

Can any one please tell me, how can we add the file name as column using sed.
right now we are using the below awk command for adding the file name as column but when we are calling this script from datastage it is deleting the file data..very weird raised a support ticket with datastage.

find \root\rfw\ -name '*.txt' | while read FILENAME ;
awk -F, -v fn="${FILENAME##*/}" '{print  fn, $0}' OFS=","   "$FILENAME" > "${FILENAME}.out"


Just want to try using sed and see.

# 2  
Old 10-03-2011
Please specify the input and desired output.
# 3  
Old 10-03-2011
Couple of ways to get the filename.

[~]> awk 'OFS="," { print FILENAME, $0 }' /etc/passwd

[~]> find /tmp/ | xargs -n 1 basename

[~]> find /tmp/ | sed 's/.*\///'

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