awk for variable with a space

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# 1  
Old 09-29-2011
awk for variable with a space

Hi experts,

why does
$ echo "one two three" | awk '{$3="my tree"; print $0}'
one two my tree

$ var="my tree"
$ echo "one two three" | awk '{$3="'$var'"; print $0}'
awk: {$3="my
awk:     ^ unterminated string

does not work?
How can the variable tha contains a space be forced into the field?

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Mod Comment Video tutorial on how to use code tags in The UNIX and Linux Forums.

Last edited by Franklin52; 09-30-2011 at 03:58 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags, thank you
# 2  
Old 09-30-2011
$ var="test"
$ echo "one two three" | awk '{$3="'$var'"; print $0}'
one two test
$ echo "one two three" | nawk -v var=$var '{$3=var;print $0}'
one two test

---------- Post updated at 09:17 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:15 AM ----------

with space

$ echo $var
my test

$ echo "one two three" | nawk -v var="$var" '{$3=var;print $0}'  
one two my test

# 3  
Old 09-30-2011
As an explanation as to why it didn't work....

awk '{$3="'$var'"; print $0}'

When var contains "my tree" expands to this:

awk '{$3="'my tree'"; print $0}'

From the point of view of the shell, there are two parameters being passed to awk:

tree'"; print $0}'

Awk sees the first parameter as the programme and the second as the file to read. In parsing the programme, it complains because the double quote isn't terminated.
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