I am writing a script to work with files in a folder.
The files are all in the following patterns (without quotes):
"some filename - NxNN - the end.YYY"
"some filename - NNxNN - the end.YYY"
Where N = a single number and YYY is the extension.
Basically what I want to do is put (without quotes) "some filename" into a variable, for further processing in the script. "some filename" and "the end" can be any length.
I can do it if I know in advance whether the file contains NxNN or NNxNN, but I can't figure out how to script it so that either pattern works.
Specific example.
Files in directory :
first log - 1x05 - testing.txt
second file - 13x25 - logging.log
third from start - 3x03 - something.lst
Hi Everybody! First post! Totally noobie.
I'm using the terminal to read a poorly formatted book.
The text file contains, in the middle of paragraphs, hyphenation to split words that are supposed to be on multiple pages. It looks ve -- ry much like this.
I was hoping to use grep -v " -- "... (5 Replies)
I have the file:
s3_T0(2) Pos "1" "2"
s1_T1(2) Pos "1" "2"
0 0
1 0
0 1
1 1
1 2 "tau0"
1 2 "h10"
I want to patternmatch on ---
and get only the third part i.e.
1 2 "tau0"
1 2 "h10"
I wanted to start simple but even something like (5 Replies)
Hi there, I am pretty new to those things, so I couldn't figure out how to solve this, and if it is actually that easy. just found that awk could help:(.
so i have a textfile with strings and numbers (originally copy pasted from word, therefore some empty cells) in the following structure:
SC... (9 Replies)
I am able to get next line if it is matching a particular pattern. But i need a way to skip if next line also matches same pattern..
For example:
No Records
No Records
Records found
got it
Records found
Now i want to find 'Records found' after 'No Records' pattern matches..
... (5 Replies)
I need a way to remove all folders that contain "Quick" in their names in a directory called /var/tmp...
However all attemps I have tried won't work. :wall:
I so far tried
find /var/tmp -type d -name "Quick" | sudo xargs rm -rf
find . -name "Quicklook" -exec rm -rf {} \;
find .... (2 Replies)
Right this is quite a long one,
I have a script which complies all listed stats files into one file and emails it out,
However this has to be run manually and i would like it to run automatically,
I have a list of files eg
one file for each of last weeks... (9 Replies)
hi all,
I am having trouble finding the right string for this - I dont know whether to use awk or sed..
If I have a file with alot of names and phone numbers like this
McGowan,Sean 978-934-4000
Kilcoyne,Kathleen 603-555-1212
Club603,The 617-505-1332
Boyle,William 301-444-1221
And... (11 Replies)
Hi all,
I am trying to extract the values ( text between the xml tags) based on the Order Number.
here is the sample input
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... (13 Replies)
i have a file which has mutiple line in it.
inside that i have a pattern similar to this
i want to fine the pattern starting with "/" and get the first word in between the the symbols "/" i.e. "abc" in this case into a variable.
thanks in advance (13 Replies)